

  Ⅲ. Questions and Answers(24 points in all, 6 for each)

  Give brief answers to each of the following questions in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.

  45. It is said that B. Shaw’s play, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, has a strong realistic theme, which fully reflects the dramatist’s Fabianist idea. Try to summarize this theme briefly.

  46. Emily Bronte used a very complicated narrative technique in writing her novel Wuthering Heights. Try to tell Bronte’s way of narration briefly.

  47. “In your rocking-chair, by your window dreaming, shall you long, alone. In your rocking-chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel.” The two sentences are taken from Theodore Dreiser’s novel, Sister Carrie. What idea can you draw from the “rocking-chair”?

  48. The literary school of naturalism was quite popular in the late 19th century. What are the major characteristics of naturalism?

  Ⅳ. Topic Discussion(20 points in all, 10 for each)

  Write no less than 150 words on each of the following topics in English in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.

  49. Discuss the possible theme in W.B. Yeats’s “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” and how that theme is presented in the poem.

  50. “My faith is gone!” cried he (Goodman Brown), after one stupefied moment. “There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name. Come, devil! For to thee is this world given.”

  Comment on this passage from Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”.

  1-5 B A B D C 6-10 B D A B B 11-15 B A A C C 16-20 A A C D D 21-25 D C D B D 26-30 A B C D D

  31-35 B D C D B 36-40 B D B A C

  41. A. The peam is "Death,Be not Proud", which writted by John Donne

  B. The world "sleep" means "death";

  C. The two lines express the idea that there is nothing frightening in

  death. Though we might die,we can keep alive spiritually forever.

  42.A The word "glideth" means "flows"; B wordsworth uses personification to describe the "river"

  C The fourth line expresses the idea that the river is flowing happily as a living things , which implies the beauty of the nature;

  43. A The poem is "I heard as Fly buzz --when I died--" by Emily Dickinson.

  B "windows" symbolically stand for the door to heaven.

  C The quoted passage vividly describes the moment of my dying and expresses my doublt of the existence of eternal heaven.

  44. A. The work is "Indian Gamp" by Ernest Hemingway.

  B. Nick was preoccupied with the pain and violence of death.

  C. By adding "It all depends" the father meant that death means differently to different poeple. To such weak persons like the husband of the Indian woman it's a pretty easy,while strong-willed person will not easily commit suicide.


  45. The play deals with the themes of prostiution as a big bussiness in the bourgeois society . The play launches possibly the sharpest and the bitterest attack ever made by Shaw upon the very foundation of the "civilized" capitalist world.

  The play hits the very heart of capitalism as a social system according to which economic exploitation is not only considered the legitimate thing adopted everywhere but is pursued shamelessly by "dignified"members of the society through the lowest and the dirtiest means.

  46.There are complicated narrative levels in Wuthering Heights The main narrative is told by Nely ,Catherine's old nurse. to Mr. Lockwood,a temporary tenant at Grange. The latter gives an account of what he see at Wuthering Heights.In the main narrative by Nelly s the sub---narrative told through Isabella's letters a Nelly.While the central intrest is maintained,the sequence of its development is constantly disordered by flashbacks,This marks the story all the more enticing and genuine.

  47. From the "rocking-chair" we can draw that Carrie was dreaming of the bright future.

  Although she was often disillusioned ,she was not at all in despair.

  48. Naturalism is one school of realism where the author's tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but

  more ironic and more pesimistic. The American naturalism accepted the more negative implication of Darwin's evolutionary

  theory and used it to account for the behavior of theose characters in literary works who conceived as more or less complex combinations of inherited attributes,their habits conditioned by social and economic forces. They chose their subjects from the lower ranks of society,and portrayed misery and poverty of the 'underdogs' who were deomostrably victims of society and nature. One of the most familiarcially as an explanation of sexual desire, Articically naturalistic writings are usually unpolished in language,lacking in academic skills and unwieldy in structure. Philosophically,the naturalists believe that the realand true is always partially hidden form the eyes of the individual,or beyond his control.

  49. The major themes in Yeats's peoms are usually Celtic legends ,local folktales,or stories of the heroic in Irish history. Many of his early poems have a dream quality,expressing melancholy,passive and self-indulgent feelings.But ina number of poems, Yeats has achieved suggestive pattern of meaning by a careful countpointing of contrasting indeas or images like human and fairy, natural and artifical,domestic and wild ,and ephermral and permanent. "Innisfree" is just a popula representative fo such peomss;

  around a "fairlyland" background,the peom is imagery give the peom a haunting quality. The charity and control of the peotry is very delicate with natural imagery,dream-like atmospher and musical beauty. The possible theme is that tired of the life of his day, Yeats sought to escape into an ideal "fairlyland" where he could live calmy as a herimit and enjoy the beauty of nature. The peam consists of three quatrains of iambic pentameter ,with each stanza rhymed abab.Innisfree is an inlet in the lake in Irish lengends. Here the author is referring to a place for hermitage.

  50. This passage appears after Goodman Brown's experience in the forest. Brrown attends a witch's Sabbath in the woods and is confronted with a vision of human evil there. After he returns to his home,he lives a dismal and gloomy life because he is never able to believe in goodness or piety again.The passage exemplifies the concern of guilty and evil in Hawthorne's work. Its hero experience from the transition from naive young man who accepts both society in genral and his fellow men as individuals worth his regard to a sistrustful and doublful person.Howevers,the
