

  This may sound like a dreamer's hope and a theoretical goal which can never be reached. I do not think so.


  The world as a whole has progressed tremendously material-wise, and we are a fortunate nation in that we are leading the procession. It is, I believe, natural that nations not so fortunate should look upon us with envy. We would do the same if the positions were reserved, so we should not judge too harshly the efforts of others to equal our standard of living. In either case, the fortunate or the unfortunate character in the individual and collectively in a nation stands out.


  I agree that it is easier to build character under ideal conditions but cannot forget that character is also required to give as well as receive.


  It should be to the benefit of humanity if all individuals - and this includes myself - did a renovation or remodeling job on our own character. It may merely be a case of removing rough edges or tossing away molding to expose irregularities, in some cases to remove a prop and stand on one's own feet.

  如果所有人——也包括我自己——都更新或重铸自己的人格,这应该是有益于人类的。这也许仅仅是抹去粗糙的边缘或丢弃固有的模式,从而显露出不平整,有时则需要拿走支撑物,完全靠自己站立。  In any event if some of us set example, others will follow and the result should be good. This I believe.

