


  Trembling with anticipation verging on anxiety, I looked around with searching eyes. Nothing had changed. The scene was exactly the same as I had left it ten years ago. There was only one thing missing—she wasn’t there! I had drawn out the short straw! I felt crestfallen. My mind went blank and I stood motionles overcome with gloom, when suddenly, I felt that familiar electrifying touch, the same shiver and the familiar thrill. It jolted me back to reality, as quick as lighting. As she softly put two promfret fish in my hand I was feeling in the seventh Heaven.


  Looking at her, I was not disappointed. Her beauty had enhanced with age. Yet, something had changed, indeed. Yes! It was her eyes. Her large brown eyes did not dance so teasingly anymore. There was a trace of sadnes a sense of tender poignancy in her liquid brown eye as she bid me her unspoken “good-bye”. Dumbstruck by the abruptness of the event and the enormity of the moment, I stood frozen like a statue, unable to react or say anything. It was only when she was leaving that I noticed that there was no mangalsutra around her slender neck anymore.  看着她,我并不失望。随着年龄的增长,她愈发美丽了。然而有什么东西的确已经改变了——是的!就是她的眼睛。她那大大的褐色双眼不再顾盼生姿,饱含揶揄了。她的眼里有一丝悲苦。当她向我无声地示意“再见”时,她那水汪汪的褐色眼睛里流露出一种温柔的酸楚。我被这突如其来的一切震呆了,这一瞬间是如此长久,我像泥塑木雕一般站在那里,不能回应,说不出一句话来。只有当她离开时我才注意到,她那细细的脖子上不再戴着那串用来护佑婚姻的幸运项链了。

