


  A new concern Mr Rajan expressed while talking to the FT Financial Times, was that the productivity gains that have underpinned the world economy might peter out as fresh policy reforms stall.


  “What I see now is the urgency for policy reform is rather muted,” he says.


  Mr Rajan disagrees with the growing voices predicting a recession next year. “The risks are two-sided,” he says. Inflation and a US slowdown are risks to the US. “The million-dollar question is whether the slowdown is enough to quell the inflationary pressure or whether you need more rate rises.”


  But the elephant in the room as far Mr Rajan is concerned is still the yawning global trade imbalances that result in a huge US trade deficit and correspondingly large surpluses in China, oil exporters and Japan.


  For the past 18 months, the fund has warned of a disorderly unwinding of these imbalances, involving a slump in the US dollar, much higher global interest rates and a global recession, risking chaos in financial markets and a resurgence of protectionism.  该组织呼吁,美国应减少预算赤字,欧洲和日本应加快内部经济改革,中国要推动国内消费并允许*屏蔽的关键字*进一步升值,其余亚洲国家应加大投资力度,以及“亚洲新兴经济体增加汇率弹性”,即委婉地敦促中国让*屏蔽的关键字*进一步升值。

  It has called on the US to reduce its budget deficit, Europe and Japan to speed domestic economic reforms, China to boost consumption and revalue the renminbi, and the rest of Asia to increase investment. and “greater exchange rate flexibility in emerging Asia”, a euphemism for Chinese revaluation of the renmimbi.
