

  5. Praise in public, criticise in private.5. 公开表扬,私下批评。

  If you're giving negative feedback, make sure that you do so in a confidential 1:1 setting; you don't want to be screaming at your report so everyone can hear you! If on the other hand you have positive things to say by all means do say in front of the team.如果你想给对方负面的反馈,请记住要私下一对一做!一方面,你并不想因为报告的事情吵翻天,这样每个人都能听到你的声音!若另一方面你有什么想要表达赞赏的话,那无论如何都要在团队面前说出来。

  Kenneth Downer的建议

  Here are six things to think about before you decide to have that conversation.对话前,首先考虑下面六件事情。

  1. Do it when you are calm and unemotional.1. 在冷静理智的时候给予反馈。

  Yelling and banging your fist on the desk may get short term results but rarely fixes the underlying problem. Stay calm, make it a conversation.大声嚷嚷,怒拍桌子只能治标不治本。冷静下来,好好谈谈。

  2. Do it sooner rather than later.2.越早越好。

  The longer you wait, the more you miss an opportunity to fix something before it gets any further off track. As soon as you can, take a deep breath, and get it done.时间拖得越长,你就会失去了把事情都扭转至正确轨道上来的机会。因此,深呼吸,尽快把事情解决了。

  3. Do it privately.3. 私下解决。

  People generally don’t appreciate being criticized in public – it’s a hit on their esteem, puts them on the defensive, and makes it harder to have an open discussion.人们一般都不喜欢在别人面前被批评——这样会大大损害对方的自尊心,激发内在的防御机制,然后就很难进行更开放的交谈了。

  4. Focus on the behavior (not the person).4.对事不对人。  Anything that sounds like a personal attack will immediately bring up the defensive shields; keep your focus on the actions that can be changed.任何听起来有针对个人意味的言辞很快就会激起对方自我保护意识,所以话题要关注在可变的行为上。

  5. Identify the specific problem or concern.5. 指出特定的问题或担忧。

  Saying, “your work stinks” doesn’t give him anything to go on. It’s more helpful if you can state what specifically needs to be addressed.如果你说:“你的表现真差!”绝对不会给他产生任何进步的作用。因此,你把具体的细节说清楚也许会更有效。

  6.ID impact on the team/mission.6.分析对团队/任务的影响

  Be able to state specifically why the behavior is hurting the team.This keeps the discussion focused on the mission, as it should be.要精确地说明白为何此行为会损害到团队发展。这样就能把讨论的话题集中在任务上,正如本来就应该的。
