

  Living without an aim is like sailingwithout a compass.生活没有目标,就像航海没有罗盘。 John Ruskin

  .What makes life dreary is the want ofmotive.缺少动力将让生活无聊乏味。 G.Eliot

  .If you wait, all that happens is thatyou get older.如果你等待,发生的只是你变老。Larry McMurtry

  Try not to be a man of success butrather try to be a man of value.不要试图去做个成功者,宁可做个有价值的人。 Einstein

  Hope deserts us at no period of ourexistence.在我们一生中,希望从来未遗弃过我们。 R.L.Stevenson

  A pencil and a dream can take youanywhere.拿起笔,写下你的梦想,你的人生就从此刻起航!

  Joyce A. Myers

  It is during our darkest moments that wemust focus to see the light.越是在艰难困苦的时候,我们越是要看到希望。

  Joyce A. Myers

  Judge each day not by the harvest youreap but by the seeds you plant.不要问自己收获了多少果实,而是要问自己今天播种了多少种子。

  Robert Louis Stevenson

  The best way out is always through.一路走到底,你就会发现那个最佳出口。

  Robert Frost

  Believe you can and youre halfwaythere.相信自己,你也就成功了一半。

  Theodore Roosevelt

  Change your thoughts and you change yourworld.改变你的思想,你就能改变自己的命运。

  Norman Vincent Peale

  Put your heart, mind, and soul into evenyour smallest acts. This is the secret of success.即便是再微小不过的事情,你也要用心去做。这就是成功的秘密。

  Swami Sivananda

  To be, or not to be , thats thequestion !


  Dont go around saying the world owesyou a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. 别到处说世界亏欠了你。世界什么都不欠你的,你还没出生它就在这儿了。
