













The diary of the winter holiday is all 1

  The long winter has passed and the perfect spring is coming. In retrospect, I found myself to have many shortcomings and deficiencies, so I wanted to change myself.

  My relationship is not very good. Because my name is "wu dragon", so students always like to call me "toy dragon", whenever I hear someone call me like this, I immediately "hair wei", make him cruel "K" a meal. If I feel that someone is harming my reputation, I will immediately give him a hard time and make him feel embarrassed.

  My study is not very good either. In my mother's words, I was "not satisfied with the management", and I was complacent about the achievement, so it was difficult to improve. Once, I scored 98 points on the exam, and I was so proud that I didn't review any more. As a result, when I took the exam again, the little flame in my heart was suddenly splashed with cold water. Only 64 points! The last time it was 98! My mother criticized me, and I learned my lesson. I can't be arrogant anymore!

  This is the moment, the future is the future! I can't go on like this. From this winter break, I'm going to get rid of my bad self. Right! I want to be "learning and learning", "learning from the past", and insisting on reading "three to one" : eye to eye, heart to heart, hand to hand, more review, not proud. I also have to be kind and friendly to my classmates. I can't afford to forgive and forgive others.

  Everyone is Monkey King, and only the charm of the Buddha can be solved to reveal the true ability. I want to get rid of bad habits and be a good boy! Act with me! I'll try to change myself. What about you? What a move!

The winter holiday diary is full of 2

  The new experience of winter vacation - shopping alone

  What's my winter holiday? Guess, guess, you guessed, haha, that's what happened to me in the winter vacation.

  Cough! It's boring to be in the room all day. I sat in the room, staring at the snow in my room, not to mention the stuffy feeling. All of a sudden, I felt my stomach singing "the city". Then he ran to his mother's room and shouted, "mom, I'm hungry. When do you eat?"

  The mother does not return, impatiently say: "there is no food in the refrigerator, you go to the supermarket to buy some tomatoes, do yourself! By the way, buy another bag of silk!"

  Mother took out her membership card and ten yuan from her bag.

  I put on my overcoat and held up ten dollars in my hand.

  I cautiously walked, the building in the black and the dark, I always feel that the small floor is hiding a genie, so, I nervously out of the building. Suddenly, a crack of the perak, my nerves strained, as if a pull would break. I ran to the supermarket in terror. The snow was still falling, and I ran into the supermarket like the wind on my feet. It was freezing outside, but the supermarket was warm in the spring.

  I walked into the fruit and vegetable area, looking carefully, saw two brands: red persimmon, powder persimmon. Red persimmon red, pink persimmon powder dudu. I studied the price carefully and finally decided to buy the red persimmon.

  I began to choose carefully, finally selected three persimmon, these persimmon, although red, but hard and small. The kind that mama says is not hard not soft, big, the face is red, so perfect the persimmon is not found here. These persimmon are not scarred, they are ripe and rotten.

  Buy seaweed is not so easy, I go to run, to the east look west see, finally I finally found it in an inconspicuous place, have a look at the price, I can't help but to spit tongue. You're so scary! Although the most expensive one is five yuan, and the tomato is not more than ten yuan, but I still feel pain! Finally, I took a bag of $1.80 seaweed and three persimmon to check out...

  I walked into the door and slammed the door shut and shut the snowy night out! This is the new experience of my vacation, ordinary and simple, have you ever had such experience? My mother said, I buy tomato and the sea belt character delicious, say inside has a long taste, very individual character, the little friends, you have tasted such a personality of food?
