






  Ten days before the Spring Festival, grandma started for the new year things work, and kill, and kill a duck, and is cooked, it is awfully busy cooking. My grandma said: "now is really" is not the new year, Chinese New Year is "ah!" Dad said, "it's really more lively than the New Year!" And I, although it is a listener, has not been involved in the discussion, but has realized the joy of people in a harmonious society.

  By the thirty of the year, all families were brightly lit and bustling. We eat a good meal, pick up the firecrackers and quickly go to the designated place, afraid of being robbed by others first. We put the firecrackers can be more, "" erti Jiao "" All flowers bloom together. "cuckoo crow Baizipao" spring ""...... We first put "a hundred flowers", and the firecrackers shot up into the blue sky like a small ball of fire. Suddenly, it didn't go up, but suddenly burst away, forming a colorful flower: some of which are gold turns red, some are yellow plus green, and the other is blue plus red. Then we put the "erti Jiao", it is also good, only to hear a loud "bang", a Mars flashed, and the "pop" sound, the golden fireball exploded in the sky, but suddenly gone. "Baizipao" has more than 2000 rounds, to have more fun. "Cuckoo spring" is my favorite. After that, a bunch of flames came out, and there were many colorful flowers on it. Each one was so bright and brilliant.

  Looking at the beautiful fireworks in the sky and listening to the loud firecrackers around, I think the new year is coming again. Our motherland will show a new look.







  天空整个黑了,要是以往的话人们可能都赶着回家去了,可是今天,人们不仅不回家去,而且个个都往大桥那边纷纷去买鞭炮了。走着走着,人们不对劲啊,平时爱凑热闹的月亮跑到哪儿去了呢?原来,月亮也忙着回家过年去了。今年不知怎么的,大桥居然有警察在守卫,不允许人们购买鞭炮。这怎么行呢?过年不买鞭炮怎么行呢?但是不用怕,人们也发动头脑,过桥的时候走着去,等买好鞭炮后在坐车过桥,警察们要检查车子,我们就把鞭炮 藏在车座底下,他们也就找不到了。我和爸爸妈妈到人民广场的边上去,因为那里放鞭炮的人实在太多了,所以我们根本不敢靠近。我们观看着绚烂的烟花,不时地抬头一看,天空被烟花装饰的五彩缤纷,好看极了!


  “砰……”时钟响了起来,我们的心也响了起来。爸爸拿着打火机轻轻地点燃了导火线,快速地跑了回来,我们全家人一齐在门口皱着耳朵,紧闭着眼睛。这震耳欲聋的响声还是响到了我们的心窝里。我们点完后,邻居家也已经不知不觉放完了,我们把门打得更开了,为的是让鞭炮的浓烟充满整个屋子,为全家人带来好运! 接着,我们就打开了电视机,静静地等待春节晚会的到来……

  The Spring Festival is coming, and there is full of strong festive atmosphere everywhere. Adults and children put on their new clothes. Every family attached their couplets, and everyone's face was filled with a happy smile. They loved to greet each other whether they knew or knew each other.

  In this happy day, everyone is in a hurry to go to the relatives' home for a new year. Give gifts. Congratulate。 Our family is no exception. My mom and Dad had to go out, we hurried to the supermarket to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival enough snacks, meet the children there. We sat in a taxi with big bags and bags, and all of the things we bought were full. Her grandmother went to the vegetable market to pick up some of the dishes which the children and adults like to eat and receive guests at home.

  My parents and I went to the relatives' door and gently knocked 2 doors, and I was particularly looking forward to the person who opened the door. I think the first sentence you say after opening the door must be "happy new year, all the best!" I went into the courtesy of a few years after the greeting, worship, can only be boring to watch TV, and some relatives of the children go to buy some small firecrackers to "practical joke" and people to relatives after not playing cards, chat, we did not empty tube. We can "do whatever you want".

  After we had lunch at noon, the adults were still playing cards, and some of our brothers were able to play outside together.

  The night comes slowly, the stars gradually show up. We went back to our relatives early to prepare the most important night dinner. People are still playing cards, only heard the yell: "pull dinner!" The people heard, quickly pick up the table. After cleaning up, he said to us with a smile, "this year's money has not been given yet!" I gave me a big red ticket out of my pocket. Let's say thank you haste! Although there is no expression on his face, but the heart is happy. A family reunion in the same room, what is more happy than this?

  The sky is black. If people used to rush to go home, but today, people will not only go home, but everyone will go to buy a firecracker on the other side of the bridge. Walking and walking, people are wrong, where do you usually love the busy moon? It turned out that the moon was too busy to go home for the new year. This year, I don't know what, the police are guarding the bridge, and people do not allow people to buy firecrackers. How do you do this? What do you do if you don't buy firecrackers for the new year? But don't be afraid. People also start their minds. When they go across the bridge, they walk around. After buying the firecrackers, they are crossing the bridge by cars. The policemen want to check the cars, so we can hide the firecrackers under the seats, so they can't find them. I went to the side of the people's Square with my father and mother, because there were too many firecrackers there, so we didn't dare to get close to it. We watched the gorgeous fireworks and looked up from time to time. The sky was decorated with colourful and beautiful fireworks.

  We bought 1 thousand sounded firecrackers, and then at half past eleven, we quickly returned home, waiting for the arrival of twelve.

  "Bang..." The clock rounded, and our hearts went off. Dad lit the fuse gently with the lighter and ran back quickly. All our family wrinkled their ears at the door and closed their eyes. The deafening sound still ringing in our heart. After we finished, our neighbor's house had been unknowingly finished. We opened the door more open, so that we could make the smoke full of firecrackers fill the whole house and bring good luck for the whole family. Then we opened the TV set and waited for the arrival of the Spring Festival Gala quietly...
