


  [9]Isolated『与外界隔绝的;孤立的』in the cold North Atlantic, buffeted『冲击;打击』by a hostile『敌对的;有敌意的』sea, condemned『责备;责怪』to 20 hours of darkness each day in winter, the people have for centuries lived on the vagaries『难以预测的情况』of the fish catch. “Our culture is colored『影响』by the harshness『严酷;艰苦』of nature,” says Thorlindsson. “That’s why Icelanders have a tolerant『宽容;容忍』attitude to the problems of life. They don’t expect the same sort of stability『安定;稳定』often expected in other nations.”


  [10]And so it seems. Americans are considerably better off『更为富有/富裕』by material standards than ever before. Yet we seem less happy, less contented with our lot.


  [11]Like Icelanders, Americans are individualists『个人主义者』. Where we seem to differ is in our sense of community『群体;团体』. Iceland, known as the land of “fire and ice,” is about living with opposing forces. It is one of the most active volcanic countries on earth, but has 4536 square miles of glacier—heat and cold, co-existing. No surprise them that its society can reconcile『使调和;使并存』another set of opposing forces: individualism and the needs of the community.
