


  [12]Anyone who thinks Americans invented rugged『粗鲁的;粗俗的』individualism has only to visit Iceland. This nation has an ancient『古代的;远古的』 respect for independence. Way back in the tenth century, Iceland was a commonwealth『共和国;联邦』; today Icelanders still place high value on their freedom.


  [13]But here’s the paradox『矛盾;似是而非』: this individualism exists with a sense of community. For years I have known an Icelandic family that embraces『包括;接受』a family drunk and an illegitimate『私生的;非法的』child. This family never let them drift, like human flotsam『流浪者;流离失所者』, to be beached『庇护;安顿』at some government institution. “Icelanders have strong systems of support,” says Thorlindsson.


  [14]Tolerance is not hollow 『表面的;虚伪的』 phrase in Iceland. The word for “stupid”is heimskur, which roughly means “comes from home” — or as we would say, provincial『乡下气的;偏狭的』or narrow-minded. Icelanders believe only a dolt『笨蛋;傻瓜』is unable to see the other fellow’s position. In this sense, they might find some of what passes for political debate『讨论;辩论』in the United States absolutely heimskur.
