

  When she is mad at you-”I'm not mad at you"(I'm mad at you)"I'm fine"(I'm not fine)Anyone who's been in a relationship has probably heard these things a million times before. Perhaps the only thing more damning than "I'm mad at you" is "I'm not mad at you." Maybe you're in a relationship where all the communication is completely 100% transparent, but we're not betting on it.当你让她抓狂的时候-"我不生气“(我生气着呢)”我好得很“(我不好)这些话谈过恋爱的人估计都听过无数次。比“你让我抓狂”更让人抓狂的莫过于“没事,我好着呢”。或者这段恋爱关系中的交流看似100%显而易见,但我们可不这么认为哦。

  When she is not into you-Rejecting someone can be really awkward, and a lot of girls go out of their way to distance themselves without actually coming out and saying it. Chances are, she's not going to spell it out for you in bold, capital letters. She's going to keep dropping hints and really, really hope you get the message. Hopefully you've become wise to a lot of these subtle rejections, but if you hear them on a regular basis and still keep trying, maybe it's time to take a step back.当她不喜欢你的时候-拒绝别人有时候真的蛮尴尬的,很多女生会用自己的方式保持距离而非当面说出口。问题在于,她并不会把字母一个个拼出来放在你面前。而是不断地留下暗示并且非常非常希望你能明白。希望你对这些善意的拒绝有了一定的了解,如果你已经接收到暗示仍不死心,我劝你还是撤吧。

  When You're In The Friend Zone-If you've ever been knee-deep in the friend zone and tried to take things to the next level, you've probably heard some of these phrases before. What you failed to realize is that there is no next level from the friend zone. It's the final frontier of loneliness. You've been caring, supportive, and always there for her. Kind of like a mother. And you wonder why she doesn't want to sleep with you.当你是蓝颜知己的身份时-如果你已经是女生的蓝颜知己还想进一步往下发展,这几句话大概都不陌生。你要明白除去朋友别无其他可能。这是孤独交际的边界线。也许你很困惑明明已经关心,支持甚至一直为她守候。像妈妈那样。她为什么就是不愿意做你女朋友。
