

  I have not been petrified.我从没有这样伤心过

  I have not been excluded from everyglimpse of what is bright.从来没有像这样看不见一丝希望

  I have known you, Mr. Rochester,我能理解您 罗彻斯特先生

  and it strikes me with anguish to betorn from you.离开您使我非常痛苦

  Then why must you leave?那为何要离开?

  Because of your wife!因为你的妻子!

  I have no wife.我没有妻子

  0But you are to be married.但是你要结婚了啊

  Jane, you must stay.简 你一定要留下

  And become nothing to you?然后让你对我视若无物?

  Am I a machine without feelings?难道我是一个没有情感的机器吗?

  Do you think that because I am poor,obscure, plain and little难道我贫穷默默无闻 长相平庸 瘦小

  that I am soulless and heartless?就没有灵魂和感情吗?

  I have as much soul as you and full asmuch heart.我和你一样有灵魂和感情

  And if God had blessed me with beautyand wealth,并且如果上帝赋予我美貌和财富

  I could make it as hard for you toleave me我也可以让你离不开我

  as it is for I to leave you.就如同我离不开你一样

  0I'm not speaking to you through mortalflesh.不是我的肉体凡胎在和你交流

  It is my spirit that addresses yourspirit,我是在用灵魂和你交流

  as if we'd passed through the graveand stood at God's feet, equal,as we are.就像我们魂归主后 站在上帝的面前 我们是平等的

  As we are.我们是平等的
