

  chronic inflation 长期通货膨胀

  chronic unemployment 长期失业

  chronic trade deficit 长期贸易逆差

  chronic stage 慢性期

  11.circulation n.循环;发行额,流通,流通证券;货币

  active circulation 实际流通

  additional circulation 追加流通手段

  commodity circulation 商品流通

  compulsory circulation 强制流通

  His book has been taken out of circulation.


  12.civil adj.市民的;文职的;有礼貌的

  civil rights 公民权

  13.clause n.条款

  abandonment clause 废弃条款,弃船条款,委付条款

  acceleration clause 提前支付条款,加速条款

  accessories clause (车辆)附件条款

  additional clause to an agreement 合同附加条款

  The clause in the contract is insusceptible of another interpretation.


  14.clearing n.交换票据;清算

  exchange clearing 外汇清算

  international clearing 国际清算

  local clearings 同城票据交换

  bank clearing 银行之间的划拨结算,银行票据交换

  15.coefficient n.协同因素;系数;折算率

  actual capital coefficient 实际资本系数

  assurance coefficient 保险系数

  capital coefficient 资本占有率

  cost coefficient 价值系数

  16.collapse n.& vi.倒塌;失败;跌价

  the collapse of plans 计划失败

  the collapse of the market 市场价格暴跌

  Share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures.


  17.collateral adj.间接的 n.附属担保品,债务抵押品,抵押资产

  additional collateral 追加担保品  fixed collateral 固定抵押品

  import collateral 进口担保品

  mixed collateral 混合抵押品

  18.collective adj.集体的

  collective agreement (劳资间的)集体协定

  collective goods 集体财产

  collective account 集合账户

  collective bargaining 劳资双方就工资等问题谈判

  memorative adj.纪念的

  commemorative dividend 纪念性股息

  mensurate adj.相称的,相当的

  He was satisfied with the job commensurate with his abilities.

