

  1. 单项选择

  1. Tom kept quiet about the accident ____ lose his job.

  A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to

  2. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _____ get out.

  A. had to B. would C. was able to D. could

  3. Hello may I speak to Zhao hua?

  -- Yes. ____ .

  A. my name’s Zhao hua B. I’m Zhao hua

  C. this is Zhao hua speaking D. Zhao hua’s me

  4. _____ is a good from of exercise for both young and old.

  A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk d. Walk

  5. It you don’t get out of my house, I will have you _____.

  A. arrested B. arresting C. arrest D. to be arrested

  6. I will tell you a piece of exciting news that premier Zhu ____ our university tomorrow morning.

  A. would inspect B. inspect C. will have inspect D. is to inspect

  7. The parents went out together at seven and ___ their little daughter ____ there.

  A. leave, sitting B. left, to sit

  C. left, sitting D. leave, to be sitting

  8. I don’t trust his promise ___ he will buy me a new bicycle.

  A. which B. what C. when D. that

  9. are you paying now, or shall I ___ to you?

  A. book it down B. book it in

  C. book it up D. book it out

  10. He asked them to come to his office one _____.

  A. at a time B. at all time

  C. at times D. at one time

  11. The workers demanded that they ____ better paid.

  A. would be B. be C. of D. for

  12. We should never content ourselves ___book knowledge only.

  A. would be B. be C. are D. will

  13. His carelessness ___ his failure. Which of the following is wrong?

  A. let to B. caused C. resulted D. resulted in

  14. I would rather _____ the weekend at home than ______ all the way to such a place.

  A. Spending, driving B. Spend, to drive C. Spend, drive D. to spend, drive

  15. ____ to somebody, a British person often shakes hands.

  A. Introducing B. On introducing C. On being introduced D. Be introduced

2. 完型填空

  Everyone will laugh at you if you don't know about Pele(贝利),the most famous football player in Brazil(巴西).Because of his great devotion(贡献)to the  1  of football,he is always  2  as the“King”by football fans(球迷) worldwide.

  Pele  3  his genius(天赋)for football in his  4  .When he was thirteen, 5  perfect skills he  6  Santos(桑托斯),a very important football  7  in Brazil.

  In 1958,Pele was  8  to play for Brazil in the Sixth World Cup Competition. 9  he was sixteen,he was the be st player  10  the fie ld. 11  to Pele,Brazil  12  the world championship for the first  13  .

  Pele played for Brazil in the World Cup Competitions from 1958 to 1970.

  In one famous match,the fans were  14  the exciting  15  when Pele would score his thousandth goal when there feree(裁判)gave Santons a penalty(点球) 16 .Pele walked up to  17  it.The opposing goalkeeper(对方守门员)had no  18  with the hard and accurate(准确的) 19  .Pele had scored his thousandth goal!The crowds cheered:“Pele,Pele...”That is a record which is as valuable in sports as a thousand goals.

  Pele was always  20  to the spirit of the sport as a professional(职业)player.He always played a fair game and behaved mode stly(谦虚)with a cheerful smile.

  He is held in high respect,and now he is the Minister of Physical Education in Brazil.

  1.A.reason  B.cause  C.event  D.affair

  2.A.honored  B.thought C.looked  D.said

  3.A.gave   B.expressed C.showed  D.asked

  4.A.home   B.school  C.family  D.childhood

  5.A.in   B.for  C.to   D.with

  6.A.became  B.joined  C.turned  D.changed

  7.A.factory  B.club  C.cinema  D.ground

  8.A.wanting  B.eager  C.anxious D.chosen

  9.A.But   B.Therefore C.So   D.Although

  10.A.in   B.on   C.by   D.for

  11.A.Thanks  B.Reported C.Helping D.Getting

  12.A.defeated B.beat  C.struck  D.won

  13.A.day   B.time  C.present D.place

  14.A.asking  B.awaiting C.paying  D.looking

  15.A.man   B.player  C.moment  D.gift

  16.A.throw  B.pull  C.draw  D.kick

  17.A.take  B.pick  C.throw  D.prevent

  18.A.chance  B.time  C.promise D.idea

  19.A.shot  B.aim  C.plan  D.thought

  20.A.likely  B.faithful C.great  D.respective

3. 阅读理解


  Americans enjoy many activities. When they are at home they enjoy reading,watching television,creating art objects,playing computer games and so on.The most popular activity, however,is done outside.For the past 15 years,gardening has been the most popular outdoor activity in America.A new study was done by Organic Gardening Magazine.It says more than 78 million Americans are gardeners.This is more than 40 percent of the adult(成年的)population.

  The new study says that during the growing season:an average gardener spends 3or 4hours a week working in the garden digging,cutting,and planting and watering.They also spend money on their gardens .Each year American gardeners spend about 25 billion dollars buying seeds,plants,bushes and trees,and plant food to make their plants grow bigger.They also buy tools and even special clothes for working in the garden.

  Why are more and more Americans becoming fond of gardening?Most people do it for fun.Gardening makes their home more beautiful and makes them feel closer to nature.Gardening is also a good way to get exercise and working outside in the fresh air and sunshine can reduce stress(压力).To some people,gardening is a spiritual(精神上的`)activity.You plant seeds in the ground and water them.They grow into flowers and most of them die in autumn.But some will come back again the next spring,and every year after that.

  Most Americans grow more than flowers in their garden.They grow fruits,vegetables and herbs(药草).They grow food crops at home for many reasons.Some say it is satisfying to provide their own food like their ancestors(祖先)who lived on farms.Some say they can save money.Others say they want to have the freshest vegetables all summer long.

  Not everyone in the United States owns land for a garden.Yet gardening is a popular activity for them,too.They may also grow flowers in containers on a balcony(阳台)high above the street or grow herbs in little boxes in a window. They may also join a community(社会团体)garden.Usually,the local(当地的)government owns the land where the community garden is planted.It could be next to an apartment(公寓) building or in a park.The land is divided into small gardens.In this way, more people get the chance to grow things,even if they do not own land of their own.

  Judge the following sentences True(T)or False(F).

  1.About 40 percent of Americans like gardening.

  2.Many people do gardening in order to make some money.

  3.Some Americans grow food crops at home because their ancestors used to tell them to do this.

  4.Those who do not have a garden can only grow some small plants in containers on their balconies or in the boxes in a window.

  5.We can infer from the passage that the American government helps the gardeners in many different ways.


  During the last Spring Festival 2,000 boxes of American oranges were shipped to Shanghai and sold out within two hours. Though no exact figures are available to show how seriously Chinese agriculture is affected by the WTO,the extent of the hardship imposed can be judged from Henan,where there is a grain reserve of 30 million tons—double its storage capacity.

  Lin Zuoji,a researcher at the Henan Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has described the effect of the WTO on Chinese agriculture as instant.He said that in the past a large amount of Henan's grain was sold to coastal areas,but as soon as China entered the WTO,enterprises in coastal areas began to import grain directly from abroad.It has been pointed out in the foreign media that China's 900 million farmers will be the most affected by the country's entry into the WTO.

  To extricate Chinese farmers from this difficult situation,some large agricultural provinces,including Henan,have started to encourage farmers to grow high-quality wheat and to help them adjust their farming structure.The Yantai municipal government in Shandong Province has for the past four years invested over 50 million Yuan each year into new breed research and development.

  Mr.Li says that for the time being the Agricultural Agreement permits the operation of“yellow boxes”and“green boxes”policies in China,which provides breathing space for the development of Chinese agriculture. During the Fifth Session of the Ninth National People's Congress,Premier Zhu Rongji stressed the need to increase farmers' incomes,and the Chinese Government has wasted no time in strengthening its measures to reduce the burden on farmers and lead them out of their current difficulties.

  1.The main idea of the first paragraph is that ___________ .

  A.American oranges are popular in China

  B.The storage capacity of Henan province is larger than any other provinces

  C.Chinese agriculture is greatly affected by the entry into the WTO

  D.Chinese government should pay more attention to agriculture science

  2.Which of the following statements is true ___________ ?

  A.China's 900 million farmers will have no chance to earn a living.

  B.Farmers’ lives will be richer than before because they plant foreign fruit.

  C.If farmers have a higher standard of farming science,they will not be afraid of facing new challenges.

  D.The WTO will be in charge of China's agriculture.

  3.Which of the following places is not mentioned?___________.

  A.Beijing B.Shandong C.Henan D.Yantai

  4.What's the attitude of the author to China's entering the WTO?

  A.Neutral B.Positive C.Negative D.Nervous

  5.What do you think is the effect of the operation of“yellow box”and“green box”policies in China?

  A.They are helpful to farmers.

  B.They are helpless to farmers.

  C.They have nothing to do with agriculture science.

  D.The author doesn't mention it.

  6.The best title of the text is ___________ .

  A.Chinese Agriculture Science

  B.The WTO will bring in profits to China

  C.China entering the WTO is a wrong step

  D.The WTO and the Chinese Agriculture
