

  参考答案 Unit 12


  I. 1. connecting 2. engineer 3. developing 4. shut 5. knowledge

  II. 1. to show 2. were seen 3. going 4. worries 5. to send 6. taking 7. are spoken 8. aren’t allowed

  III. 1-5 DABAC 6-10 CBADA IV. 1-5 bfced V. 1-5 DBDCC


  I. 1-5 BCACA II. 1-5 CABAC III. 1-5 BCDAB 6-10 CDBCA 11-15 AACCA

  IV.1. set/make, your, mind, on, show/display 2. learning more about 3. How long 4. late than never 5. more rich, the more strong 6. spend, smoking

  V. 1. connected with 2. provide, for 3. shut down 4. stop studying /give up 5. By whom

  VI. 1-5 BCCDD 6-10 ABCCB VII. 1-5 BCBDC 6-10 ACDAB

  VIII. 1. between 2. friend /visitor 3. coming 4. and 5. has 6. for 7. yourself 8. if 9. Another 10. same

  IX. One possible version:

  I had a very good holiday last year. My father and I traveled to Japan. We enjoyed the trip very much because that was the first time to Japan. But my father and I knew only a little Japanese, so when we went shopping in town, we could not understand what most Japanese said. Luckily some Japanese spoke English. It showed me that English is useful all over the world.


  I. 听辨句子, 根据所听句子选择与所听句子意思相同或相近的答案, 听一遍。

  1. I was very interested in English when I was young.

  2. The radio is too noisy, please turn it down.

  3. The waste paper must be put into the dustbin.

  4. People use computers to do problems.

  5. I passed the exam with your help.

  II. 短文理解, 根据短文内容, 选择正确答案, 听两遍。

  My name is Emily. Tomorrow my brother Tom and I are going to a picnic. We’ll ride our bicycles along the river until we come to the bridge. The track is too steep to ride on after that so we’ll have to walk the rest of the way. There is a beautiful place to have a picnic at the top of the hill. From there we’ll be able to see the whole valley and the town. I’m going to pack a picnic lunch with watermelon, rice cakes, fish and bread. My brother says he’ll take his kite so that he can fly it in the strong breeze on top of the hill. I’ll take my skipping rope and a ball.









8.My day单元测评试题及参考答案
