


  Welcome to Sunshine Town练习题及答案

  Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town

  I. 单项选择

  ( )1. __________ this book belong to __________?

  A. Does; Jim B. Does; Jim’s C. Is; Jim D. Is; Jim’s

  ( )2. Daniel is very happy because today is __________ Day.

  A. Child’s B. Children’s C. Childs’ D. Childrens’

  ( )3. There __________ bread and apples in the fridge.

  A. are much B. are lots of C. is many D. is lots of

  ( )4. I’ll come back in three __________ time.

  A. day B. days C. day’s D. days’

  ( )5. They are __________.

  A. woman teachers B. women teacher

  C. women teachers D. womans teachers

  II. 根据要求变换句子。

  1. This book is his. (改为同义句)

  This book __________ __________ __________ .

  2. What other things do you need? (改为同义句)

  __________ __________ do you need?

  3. Is there a bottle of milk in the fridge? (改为复数形式)

  ________________________________________in the fridge?

  4. We need two kilos of ham for the party. (对画线部分提问)


  5. They have three kilos of beef for the dinner. (对画线部分提问)


  6. There is only one loaf of bread for us. (对画线部分提问)


  III. 根据句意,选用“how much ”或“how many”填空。

  1. ____________________ beef do you need, Millie?

  2. ____________________ people are there in your family?

  3. He has some water. _______________ do you have?

  4. Can you tell me _______________ students there are in your class?

  5. ______________ is the pork?

  6. _____________ meat is there in the fridge?

  7. ________________ apples do you have 初中物理?

  8. Can you count _________________ eggs there are in the basket?

  9. ________________ ham would you like?

  10. _______________ tomatoes does she have?


  一、单项选择 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C


  1. belongs to him

  2. What else

  3. Are there any bottles of milk

  4. How much ham do you need for the party?

  5. How many kilos of beef do they have for the dinner?

  6. How many loaves of bread are there for us?

  三、用How much或How many填空

  1. How much

  2. How many

  3. How much

  4. how many

  5. How much

  6. How much

  7. How many

  8. how many

  9. How much

  10. How many


  break vt., vi. broke, broken, breaking

  打破;碰破;折断;打碎 The stone broke the window.石头打坏了窗子。

  The cup broke on the floor.杯子摔碎在地板上了。

  You'll break your neck if you aren't more careful! (喻)你如果不加倍小心,你会摔死的!

  分裂;裂开 The newly-published chronicle breaks down into eight major parts.


  毁坏;弄坏;损坏 He broke his wristwatch.他把他的手表弄坏了。

  (突然用力)变成;成为 The prisoner broke loose.犯人脱逃了。

  擦破 to break the skin擦破皮肤

  违背;违犯;不遵守 to break the law犯法

  He always breaks faith with his clients.他对顾客总是不守信用。

  It took all the members of the section the whole day to break the back of the job.


  If smeone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group.


  闯 He broke into the shop他闯入商店。

  驯服;制服 to break a horse驯服一匹马

  超过;超越 to break a record in sports打破运动记录

  泄露;发布;透露 to break the news 发布消息

  中断 Let's break for a meal.让我们休息一下去吃饭吧。

  结束;停止to break the silence打破沉寂

  突然发生,突然出现 as day breaks拂晓时Day breaks.; Day dawns.天亮了。

  衰退;减弱His health broke.他的衰退。

  突变 His voice broke when he was 15.他15岁时嗓音突然变了。

  破译(密码) She broke their code.她破译了他们的密码。


  break the back of完成主要的或最艰难的部分

  It took all the members of the section the whole day to break the back of the job.


  break camp拔营

  break cover跳出躲藏处

  break the ice打破冷场

  break new ground有新发现

  The scheme says nothing new; it doesn't break new ground.这个方案没有新意,它没有提出新的见解。

  break step步伐紊乱

  break wind放屁

  【词性变化】break n.破;破裂;破隙 a break in the clouds云朵间的一线青天

  暂停;休息 a coffee break饮咖啡的小憩

  Let's have a break.让我们休息一会儿。

  After a short break the play continued.休息片刻后,戏继续开演。

  We've been doing experiments 24 hours without a break.


  突变 a break from the past 一反过去的做法

  A break anywhere in the circuit may cause the lights in the neighbourhood to go out.


  The cold weather broke at the beginning of April. 寒冷的天气到四月初开始变暖了。

  破晓 at day-break破晓时


  机会;运气 Give him a break. 给他一次机会。


  break away逃走;逃脱

  The robbery suspect broke away from the lockup.抢劫嫌疑犯从拘留所逃脱了。

  Modern music like jazz has broken away from the old traditional rules. (喻)



  A large piece of ice broke away from the main block. 一大块冰从整个大冰块上断裂开来。
