where are you from同步训练题


where are you from同步训练题


  1.He is________. He is ________ America.

  2.________ come from England.They speak ________ English.

  3.Please write to me ________.

  4.Jack wants to make _________ in China.

  5.He can speak a ________ Chinese now.


  6.[ ]

  A. five

  B. give

  C. fine

  D. knife

  7.[ ]





  8.[ ]

  A. student

  B. duty



  9.[ ]





  10.[ ]






  11. We Chinese put our f __m __ly name first.

  12. Here is a p __ stc __ __ d for you , Bob.

  13. My parents are from France. They speak Fr __ __ch.

  14. Jim is 13 years old. He's a sch __ __l boy.

  15. There are some t __xtb __ __ks on the desk.

  16. We t __ __ch Lily and Lucy Chinese.

  17. __ ngl __ shm __ n come from England.

  18. Am __ r __ c __ ns speak English.

  19. They st __ y at home on Sundays.

  20. Li Lei is a h __ gh school student.



  22.高中 ________




  26. from…to ________

  27. five days a week ________

  28. go out _______

  29. stay at home _______

  30. family name _______


  31. My mother is _______(write) to my father.

  32. How many _______(people) are there in your family?

  33. _____ (America ) come from America.

  34. We are Chinese and we are from ________. (Chinese)

  35. —Is this room yours?—No. That one is ________. (we)

  36. We go to school five ________(day) a week.

  37. They teach _______(they) friends Chinese.

  38. Kate teaches _______(I) English.

  39. Who's _______(sit) there, do you know?

  40. Her mother asks her ______(stay) at home on Sundays.


  41. We are from France and we ______French.[ ]

  A. say

  B. talk

  C. speak

  D. tell

  42.—Do you know Japanese?—Yes, but ________.[ ]

  A. only a little

  B. only some

  C. only little

  D. only not much

  43. What do you like ________England?[ ]

  A. from

  B. about

  C. at

  D. with

  44. The Japanese people ______ very friendly.[ ]

  A. is

  B. are

  C. have

  D. has

  45. We go to school ______Monday ______ Friday.[ ]

  A. from… on

  B. on… on

  C. on… to

  D. from… to

  46. Would you like ________tea?[ ]

  A. some

  B. any

  C. a

  D. an

  47. Can I ______ my knife back, please?[ ]

  A. give

  B. have

  C. has

  D. take

  48. Tom, Kate and I ______Chinese food.[ ]

  A. are all like

  B. all like

  C. all are like

  D. are like all

  49. Is Mary your friend ______your sister?[ ]

  A. and

  B. but

  C. so

  D. or

  50. We have P. E ________ Monday and Friday.[ ]

  A. on

  B. from

  C. in

  D. at

  51. Lucy and Lily are ________. They are from ________.[ ]

  A. England… English

  B. English… England

  C. England… England

  D. English… English

  52. I teach ________Chinese and they teach _______French.[ ]

  A. their… my

  B. theirs… mine

  C. they… I

  D. them… me

  53.________ do you like _______this picture?[ ]

  A. How… about

  B. What… from

  C. What… about

  D. What… with

  54. I want to ask Emma ________to my birthday party.[ ]

  A. come

  B. coming

  C. comes

  D. to come

  55.—How do you like China?—________[ ]

  A. I like it very much.

  B. I like the food.

  C. I like the people.

  D. I like their sports.



  —________are you ________?—________ ________ Beijing.


  Mr Li comes from _______. He is _______ ________in America.


  Japanese speak _______ . ________speak English.


  Mr Hall _______ _______French.


  I know only _______ _______English.


  ________do you ________that book?


  I'm _______ _______at a middle school.


  He often _________ ________his friends in Canada.


  They're _______ _______their new English teacher.


  Our friends _______ _______to go to their house _______ ________.


  Lily : Hello.

  Jo: Hello. Could I (66) to Lily, please?

  Lily: Speaking. (67) is this

  Jo : It's Jo.

  Lily: Oh, How (68) you, Jo?

  Jo: Fine, thanks. I've got your (69) .

  Lily: So soon?

  Jo : Yes , I'm glad you can (70) Chinese now.

  Lily : I can just (仅) speak some (71) , but I can't write it.

  Jo: I want to (72) some Chinese, too.

  Lily: I think I can (73) you.

  Jo : Good. How do you (74) “Goodbye” in Chinese?

  Lily: That's easy. Zaijian.

  Jo: But that's too difficult for me. Oh, sorry, Lily! Mum is calling me. I think I have to (75) goodbye.

  Lily: OK. Thanks for calling. Bye-bye. Zaijian!


  (76) are you? I'm writing to you in my school. This school is (77) . There are ten hundred students in my school. I like the teachers. The other students are very (78) . They (79) me Chinese and I teach them English.

  There is a small river (80) my school. The water (81) clean. We can swim in it.

  There are no classes (82) Sundays. We (83) at home and watch TV. My father and my mother go to shops on Sundays. They all like China.

  I can (84) Chinese now. I can (85) my name in Chinese.

  Please write to me soon!

  Love from


  76.[ ]

  A. How

  B. Who

  C. Where

  D. What

  77.[ ]

  A. small

  B. new

  C. great

  D. old

  78.[ ]

  A. friend

  B. friendly

  C. well

  D. happy

  79.[ ]

  A. help

  B. give

  C. learn

  D. teach

  80.[ ]

  A. in

  B. on

  C. behind

  D. under

  81.[ ]

  A. be

  B. is

  C. are

  D. am

  82.[ ]

  A. at

  B. in

  C. on

  D. about

  83.[ ]

  A. stay

  B. live

  C. have

  D. look

  84.[ ]

  A. say

  B. speak

  C. tell

  D. talk

  85.[ ]

  A. to write

  B. write

  C. writing

  D. writes


  一、1. American, from 2. Englishmen, British 3. soon 4. friends 5.Little

  二、6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B

  三、11.family 12. postcard 13.French 14. school 15.textbooks 16. teach 17. Englishmen 18.Americans 19. stay 20. High

  四、21. talk about 22. high school 23. make friends 24. a lot of 25.on Sunday 26.从……到…… 27.一周五天 28.出去 29.呆在家里 30.姓

  五、31. writing 32.people 33.Americans 34. China 35. ours 36. days 37. their 38. me 39.sitting 40. to stay

  六、41.C 42.A 43.B 44.B 45.D 46.A 47.B 48.B 49.D 50.A 51.B 52.D 53.C 54. D 55. A




  七、56. Where, from, I'm from 57. China, teaching Chinese 58. Japanese, Americans 59. teaches us 60. a little 61. How, like 62. studying English 63. writes to 64. talking about 65. ask us, for dinner

  八、66.speak 67. Who 68. are 69.letter 70. speak 71.Chinese 72. learn 73. help 74.say 75.say

  九、76.A 77.C 78.B 79.D 80.C 81.B 82.C 83.A 84.B 85.B



  1. He's American. He is from America.

  2. Englishmen come from England. They speak British English.

  3. Please write to me soon.

  4. Jack wants to make friends in China.

  5. He can speak a little Chinese now.

【where are you from同步训练题】相关文章:


2.英语的单元检测题Where are you from

3.where are you from?的教学课件

4.《Where Are You from》教学反思范文

5.《Where are you?》教学反思

6.Where is your pen pal from教案

7.Where did you go on vacation课件

8.《Where did you go》教学反思

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