

  41.This book of _______ used to be one of the best sellers in the shop.

  a. his   b. him   c. that man   d. this

  42.We should always keep ______ well-informed of the changing information.

  a. us   b. ours   c. ourselves   d. we

  43.The climate here is often said to be similar to ______.

  a. Japan   b. one of Japan   c. that of Japan   d. in Japan

  44.Hunted by constant fear of arrest, the thief ______ to the police at last.

  a.     gave it up   b. gave up himself   c. gave him up   d. gave himself up

  45.______ of the boys in the class who have passed the test is to receive certificates.

  a. Every   b. Every one   c. Any   d. Anyone

  46.Do you believe that she has blamed us for the accident, especially ______?

  a. you and me   b. you and I   c. I and you   d. me and you

  47.Of those who graduated with ______,Ellen is the only one who has found a good job.

  a. Betty and he   b. he and Betty   c. Betty and him   d. Him and Betty

  48.He is surprised by ______ having to pay for the accident.

  a. you   b. yours   c. your   d. your’s

  49.This is a left hand glove and that is ______.

  a. other   b. the other one   c. other one   d. another

  50.Add those examples to ______ you have already noted.

  a. one   b. the one   c. one   d. the ones

  51.Have you got a ticket? Yes, I’ve got ______.

  a. it   b. the one   c. one   d. the ones

  52.There’s the doorbell; I hope ______ Tom.

  a. its   b. it’s   c. is   d. he’s

  53.It’s cheaper to buy old furniture than to have new ______ made.

  a. one   b. ones   c. furniture   d. furnitures

  54.Those of us who are over fifty years old should get ______ blood pressure checked regularly.

  a. their   b. their’s   c. our   d. ours

  55.Every man and woman eighteen years of age or older is eligible to vote for the candidate of ______.

  a. his choice   b. their choice   c. the choice of him   d. the choice of theirs

  56.I bite my nails. I must break ______.

  a. the habit of me   b. the habit with myself   c. myself of the habit   d. of the habit myself

  57.______ of them shared my opinions, so we have ______ in common to discuss.

  a. Nobody/a little   b. Few/little   c. A few/little   d. None/many

  58.When science, business and art learn something of ______ methods and goals, the world will have come closer to cultural harmony.

  a. one and the other’s   b. each and the other’s

  c. one another’s     d. the one’s and the other’s

  59.The boy is ______ of a musician.

  a.     anyone   b. anything   c. someone   d. something

  60.For ______ interested in nature, the club offers hikes and overnight camping each week during the summer.

  a. them   b. whom   c. themselves   d. those

  61.The use of radar as well as the two-way radio ______ for the police to intercept most speeders.

  a. make it possible   b. makes it possible c. makes possible   d. make it a possibility

  62.The family never agree about ______ shares of the property.

  a. her   b. its   c. their   d. his

  63.The flock of geese was flying through the sky in perfect formation following ______ leader.

  a. its   b. their   c. his   d. her

  64.When Jonathan went to Spain with his sister, he bought a leather coat for her and another for ______.

  a. him   b. himself   c. he   d. his

  65.Those of us who wear glasses should have ______ eyes examined at regular intervals.

  a. their b. our   c. his   d. her

  66.Frank admired his friends Tom and David. He imitated ______.

  a. theirs every action   b. every action of theirs c. every of their action d. every action of their one

  67.My desk is ______.

  a. between his   b. between his one   c. beside his one   d. beside his

  68.“May I speak to Iris?”

  “This is ______ speaking.”

  a. she   b. hers’s   c. hers   d. her

  69.Mary is the landlady ______.

  a.     from who we rent the flat   b. from whom we rent the flat

  b.     whom we rent the flat     d. who we rent the flat

  70.Give the message to ______ is at the table.

  a. whomever   b. whosever   c. whatever   d. whoever

  71.It was through experimentation ______ people found out he behavior of electricity.

  a.     that   b. which   c. /   d. the

  72.______ Nat Turner who led a revolt against slavery in Virginia in 1831.

  a. Where was   b. It was   c. He was   d. it was him

  73.It wasn’t ______ telephoned me.

  a. he whom   b. him whom   c. he who   d . his who

  74.It was ______ he bought the magazine.

  a.  from a second-hand store where   b. a second-hand store in which

  b.  in a second-hand store that       d. in a second-hand store where

  75.It was ______ late in the evening that the students returned to the dormitories.

  a. till   b. before   c. when   d. not until

  76.It was ______ that he did not go to Mount Lao with us.

  a.     because he was ill     b. as he was ill

  b.     since he was ill     d. though he was ill

  77.It was ______ that he joined the evening party.

  a. finding Comrade Li   b. found Comrade Li   c. to find Comrade Li d. find Comrade Li

  78.Was it ______ she agreed to help?

  a.     very reluctantly so that   b. very reluctantly that

  b.     so reluctantly that       d. very reluctantly when

  79.______ she gave the postcards to?

  a. Whom it was that   b. Who it was that   c. Who was it that   d. It was who that

  80.______ the camel can go for three days without food or drink?

  a. That it is why b. That is it why   c. Why it is that   d. Why is it that答案如下:  1     B、2     C、3     B、4     D、5     C

  6     A、7     B、8     C、9     A、10     B

  11     C、12     A、13     A、14     C、15     A

  16     A、17     A、18     C、19     A、20     A

  21     D、22     C、23     B、24     D、25     C

  26     C、27     B、28     D、29     A、30     B

  31     B、32     B、33     A、34     B、35     B

  36     C、37     C、38     D、39     D、40     D

  41     A、42     C、43     C、44     D、45     B

  46     A、47     C、48     C、49     B、50     D

  51     B、52     B、53     C、54     C、55     A

  56     C、57     B、58     C、59     D、60     D

  61     B、62     C、63     A、64     B、65     B

  66     B、67     D、68     A、69     B、70     D

  71     A、72     B、73     C、74     C、75     D

  76     A、77     C、78     B、79     C、80     D









