

Task 4

  Directions: The following is a business letter. After reading it , you should answer each of the 5 questions (No.61 to No.65)in no than 3 words. The answers should be written after the corresponding number on the Answer Sheet.

  Dear Mr. Robert,

  Although we sent you your goods on time, we have waited nearly two months for you to pay the balance of $5000, which is over due. When you ordered the shipment of computers, you requested that we send you the entire order no later than June 1, and we shipped the goods by air freight on May 25.

  As you agreed in our original credit arrangement (赊账协议), payment was due in 30 days, on June 30. Yet, as it is already August 26, we still have not received your payment. In fact, we have not received any answer to the notice we sent to remind you that the payment is due.

  We regret to say that if we cannot receive your payment by September 15, we will be forced to ask our lawyer to take measures and collect it through legal procedures.

  Yours faithfully,

  Adam Smith

  The Western Company

  61.What’s the purpose of the letter?

  To urge the buyer to _____________________

  62.When was the buyer supposed to pay for the order according to the agreement?

  On _________________

  63.How did the Western Company deliver the goods?

  The goods were delivered by _________________

  64.If this letter won’t work, what is the Western Company going to do?

  The company will settle the matter through __________

  65.What’s the deadline set by the seller for the buyer to make the payment?

  It’s _____________

  Par IV Translation (35 points )

  (I) Directions: Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese (4 points each for NO.66 through NO.68; 6 points for No.69; 18 points in all )

  66.Sound travels four times faster in water than in the air.

  67.It was not until you told me about it yesterday that I realized my mistake.

  68.China will be the largest market for automobiles if its economy continues to grow.

  69.I find it hard to leave the land where I have lived for 30 years and where there are sweet memories of my childhood.

  (II) Directions: Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English (4 points each for No.70 through No.72; 5 points for No.73; 17 points in all.)




  73.我不满意那家旅馆的服务,因此要向旅馆经理投诉。  Part V Writing (20 points)

  Directions: Write on ONE of the following two topics. You are supposed to follow the instructions given below.


  假设你是英语系秘书李冬,请你给Jackson 教授发一封电子邮件,邀请他为英语系学生作一次关于英语学习的讲座。

  (1) 发件人:lidong@yahoo.com

  (2) 收件人:jackson@hotmail.com

  (3) 主题:邀请

  (4) 邮件内容必须包括:






  注意:E-mail 的内容要按段落书写,不得逐条罗列。

  2.写一篇题为“Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China?”的作文,要求分三段,100个单词左右,内容包括:



