

  1 .In the past the water in Lake Ponkapog was made clean by ______.

  A. fish B. rain C. birds D. forests

  2. From the fourth paragraph we know that _______.

  A. people like to go boating on the lake

  B. some bad chemicals are important to the lake

  C. chemicals-from motorboats also make the lake water dirty

  D. how oil gets into the lake water

  3. To save the lake, people need to __________.

  A. use less water

  B. changed their daily lives

  C. grow fewer plants in the gardens

  D. be less careful about chemicals

  4. "Chemicals" in the story means ___________.

  A. 污染品 B. 化学家 C.药品 D.化学制品

  5. What makes the lake water dirty?

  A. Chemicals B. Strange plantsC. RainwaterD. Both A and B


  You may hear about earthquakes , but do you know what to do before ,during and after an earthquake,? Here is some adivice for you .

  Before an earthquake : It is necessary to prepare yourself and your family . All family members should know how to turn off gas (煤气),water and electrity and know useful telephone numbers (doctor, hospital , police , 119 , etc.) Never put heavy things over beds .

  During an earthquakeIt is important for each of you to stay cool .If you are indoors , quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong desk or strong table. The purpose is to protect yourself from falling objects. Stay away from windows, large mirrors , heavy furniture(家具) and so on . If you are cooking , turn off the gas .

  If you are outdoors , move to an open area like a playground. Mobe away from buildings , bridges and trees . If you are driving ,stop the car as soon as possible , staying away from bridges and tall buildings . Stay in your car .

  After an earthquake Once the shaking has stopped . Don’t run out of the building at once . It’s better to wait and leave when it is safe .
