

  Check around you and help people who are in trouble . If your building is badly broken you should leave it .If you smell or hear a gas , get everyone outside and open windows and doors . If you can do it safely , turn off the gas.Report it to the gas company .

  ( )6 Which of the following is mentioned in the second paragraph ?

  A People should know how to turn on gas

  B.People should know how to save water .

  C.Poele shouldn’t put heavy boxes over beds .

  D.People shouldn’t forget the phone number ofothers .

  ( )7.When an earthquakehappens , _____ can help you deal with it.

  A standing still B staying coolC looking outside D moving indoors

  ( )8.During an earthquake , if you are driving in an open area , you should _____.

  A speed up your car B stop your car and stay in C slow down you car D stop your car and run out

  ( )9.When the earth stops shaking , you should ___

  A check around you firstB run out of the building at onceC vreak windows and doors D write a report to your company

  ()10. You can learn _____ after reading the passage .

  A whant an earthquake is like

  B what to do to avoid an earthquake

  C. How an earthquake happens

  D how to protect yourself in an earthquake


  Scientists have dicovered the world’s funniest joke ! Dr Wiseman , from Oxford University in Britain , . created a website with jokes on it . He then asked people to rate (定级) the jokes from 1( not very funny ) yo 5 ( very funny ). People could also tell their onw jokes . At the end of one year , Wiseman has two million ratings and 40,000 jokes from around the world .

  Why study jokes ? Dr Wiseman thinks humor can tell us a lot about people. In Wiseman ‘s experiment (实验), people from different countries did think different hokes were funny . for example, Europeans rated jokes about serious topics like death “Very funny “. North Americans laughed most at jokes that made fun of people . So , wtaht was the world’s funniest joke ?
