



  (B) being the first to market a competing technology

  (C)adapting rapidly to a technological standard previously set by a competing frim

  (D) establishing technological leadership in order to shape product definitions in advance of competing firms

  (E) emphasizing the development of methods for the mass production and distribution of a new technology

  3. According to the passage, consumers began to develop a preference for VCR s in the VHS format because they believed which of the following?

  (A) VCR s in the VHS format were technically better than competing-format VCR s.

  (B) VCR s in the VHS format were less expensive than competing-format VCR s

  (C) VHS was the first standard format for VCR s

  (D) VHS prerecorded videotapes were more available than Beta-format tapes.

  (E) VCR s in the Beta format would soon cease to be produced.

  4. The author implies that one way that VHS producers won control over the VCR market was by

  (A) carefully restricting access to VCR technology

  (B) giving up a slight early lead in VCR sales in order to improve long-term prospects

  (C) retaining a strict monopoly on the production of prerecorded videotapes

  (D) sharing control of the marketing of VHS-format VCR s

  (E) sacrificing technological superionrity over Betaformat VCR s in order to remain competi

  12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334ative in price.

  5. The alignment of producers of VHS-format VCR s with producers of prerecorded videotapes is most similar to which of the following?

  (A) The alignment of an automobile manufacturer with another automobile manufacturer to adopt a standard design for automobile engines

  (B) The alignment of an automobile manuracturer with an automotive glass company whereby the manufacturer agrees to purchase automobile windshieids only from that one glass company

  (C) The alignment of an automobile manufacturer with a petroleum company to ensure the widespread availability of the fuel required by a new type of engine developed by the manufacturer

  (D) The alignment of an automobile manufacturer with its dealers to adopt a plan to improve automobile design

  (E) The alignment of an automobile dealer with an automobile rental chain to adopt a strategy for an advertising campaingn to promote a new type of automobile.

  6. Which of the following best describes the relation of the first paragraph to the passage as a whole?

  (A) It makes a general observation to be exemplified.

  (B) It outlines a process to be analyzed.

  (C) It poses a question to be answered.

  (D) It advances an argument to be disputed.

  (E) It introduces conflicting arguments to be reconciled.

  Australian researchers have discovered electroreceptors (sensory organs designed to respond to electrical fields) clustered at the tip of the spiny anteater s snout. The researchers made this discovery by exposing small areas of

  (5) the snout to extremely weak electrical fields and recording the transmission of resulting nervous activity to the brain. While it is true that tactile receptors, another kind of sensory organ on the anteater s snout, can also respond to electrical stimuli, such receptors do so only in response to

  (10) electrical field strengths about 1,000 times greater than those known to excite electroreceptors.

  12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334a Having discovered the electroreceptors, researchers are cow investigating how anteaters untilize such a sophisticated sensory system. In one behavioral experiment, researchers

  (15) successfully trained an anteater to distinguish between two troughts of water, one with a weak electrical field and the other with none. Such evidence is consistent with researchers electrical signals given off by prey; however,

  (20) researchers as yet have been unable to detect electrical agnals emanating from termite mounds, where the favorite food of anteaters live. Still, researchers have observed anteaters breaking into a nest of ants at an oblique angle and quickly locating nesting chambers. This ability quickly

  (25) to locate unseen prey suggests according to the researchers, that the anteaters were using their electroreceptors to locate the nesting chambers.

  7. Accoraing to the passage, which of the following is a characteristic that distinguishes electroreceptors from tactile receptors?

  (A) The manner in which electroreceptors respond to electrical stimuli

  (B) The tendency of electroreceptors to be found in clusters

  (C) The unusual locations in which electroreceptors are found in most species

  (D) The am
