

James Wong

  48. What is the purpose of this letter?

  A. Establishing business relations.

  B. Applying for a job.

  C. Setting up a business meeting.

  D. Talking about the résumé.

  49. What is the source of the information about the job vacancy?

  A. Newspapers.

  B. The company’s website.

  C. TV commercials.

  D. Friends.

  50. Which of the following is NOT particularly stressed in the ad?

  A. Leadership. B. Initiative. C. Flexibility. D. Responsibility.

  51. When did the applicant begin to work for his present company?

  A. One year ago. B. Two years ago. C. Three years ago. D. Four years ago.

  52. Why did the applicant apply for this position?

  A. Because he would like to have more opportunities to travel freely.

  B. Because he would like to take on more responsibilities.

  C. Because he is eager to work in other cities.

  D. Because he isn’t getting along with his present boss.

  Part III TRANSLATION (25 minutes, 15 points) Section A

  Directions: Choose the best translation for each sentence from the four choices marked A, B, C

  and D, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line

  through the center.

  53. Thank you for your invitation, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to accept.

  A. 感谢您的请求,但我害怕我无法接受。

  B. 感谢您的邀请,但我害怕我将不能接受。

  C. 感谢您的请求,但我恐怕我将不能接受。

  D. 感谢您的邀请,但我恐怕无法应邀出席。

  54. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 22404029.

  A. 万一您有任何问题,欢迎致电22404029与我们联系。

  B. 万一您有任何问题,请自由致电22404029与我们联系。

  C. 如有任何查询,欢迎致电22404029与我们联系。

  D. 如有任何查询,请自由致电22404029与我们联系。

  55. The solution to the sales problem lies in a better quality of the products.

  A. 销售问题的解决方案取决于更好的产品质量。

  B. 解决销售问题,关键在于提升产品质量。

  C. 下决心解决销售问题,就能提升产品质量。

  D. 找到解决销售问题的办法,就能提升产品质量。

  56. 交易会将于下周在展览中心举办。

  A. The trade fair is to be held at the exhibition center in next week.

  B. The trade fair is to be held at the exhibition center next week.

  C. The trade meeting will hold at the exhibition center in next week.

  D. The trade meeting will hold at the exhibition center next week.

  57. 该职位需要应聘者有六年管理经验。

  A. The position requires six years of management experience.

  B. The position requires six years of manager experience.

  C. The position needs six years of management experience.

  D. The position needs six years of manager experience.Section B

  Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write the Chinese version on the

  Answer Sheet.

  58. We would like to thank you for choosing our product. We have put you on our VIP list and

  with this, we are anxious to serve you better. For further information, don’t hesitate to contact us.

  Part IV WRITING (30 minutes, 15 points) Directions: Write a memo of no less than 100 words according to the given information, and write

  it on the Answer Sheet.

  59. 公司每年举办的圣诞晚会今年将会推迟到一月中旬。请以人力资源部经理帕特·刘易斯

  (Pat Lewis)的名义写一份备忘录通知全体员工,内容包括:

  z 通知晚会推迟事宜;

  z 说明原因;

  z 代表公司表达歉意。
