

  五、Read and write .(读一读,选择所给词的适当形式填空。)

  1. When is ________ ( you) birthday?

  2. My mother’s birthday is on January the _______ (two)

  3.May is the __________ (five) month of a year.

  4.There are ________ (twelve) months in a year.

  5. Children’s Day is on ____________ .

     Read and write. (连词成句,注意首字母大写与标点。)

  1. China’s Day is When National (?)

  2. birthday is his Thursday eleventh (.)

  3. for your What do will father your (?)

  4. birthday Grandpa’s on June is 1st (.)

  5. on My is birthday February 2nd ( .)

  六、Read and choose.(对答如流)

  (   ) 1.When is your father’s birthday ?          A.Great.

  (   ) 2.Happy birthday,Mum!            B. It’s April 1st.

  (   ) 3.Let’s cook noodles together!            C. It’s on November 6th.

  (   ) 4. What do you often do on your birthday? D. Thank you.

  (   ) 5. When is April Fool’s Day?     E. I usuall eat a birthday cake with my friends.

  七、Read, and choose.(读短文然后判断对“T”错“F”)

  Hi,I am Mike. There are five people in my family.My grandma,my father,my mother,me and my little puppy.There are three birthdays in February and two birthdays in September.My grandma’s birthday is in February.My birthday is on September 10th.It is also Teachers’ Day.My mother is a teacher.On September 10th,my mum usually buys me a big birthday cake.I often help her cook dinner.She usually cooks noodles for me.I feel happy.I love my mother very much.

  ( )1.There are four people in Mike’s family.

  ( )2.There are three birthdays in September.

  ( )3.Mike’s birthday is on September 10th.

  ( )4.Mike’s mum is a cook.

  ( )5.Mike’s grandma’s birthday is in February.  八、Read and write.(根据所给提示,写一篇关于你家人生日的短文。)

  Hello.There are ______ people in my family,______________________ _____________________.My father’s birthday is on _______.My mother’s birthday is on ___________.My birthday is ______________. _________________________________.I love my family very much.
