



  ( ) 1. The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with them.A. took B. take C. takes D. will take

  ( ) 2 .Catherine said that she _ to Guangzhou.A. has never gone B. had never goneC. has never been D. had never been

  ( ) 3 .The students want to know whether they___ dictation today.A. had B. has . C. will have D. are

  ( ) 4 .She asked Linda if___ go and get some.A. could she B. she could C. she can D. she may

  ( ) 5. Linda said the moon___ round the earth.A. travelled B. has travelled C. travells D. had travelled

  ( ) 6. Can you tell me___ you were born, Betty?A. who B. what C. when D. that

  ( ) 7. I don't know ___ they have passed the exam.A. what B. if C. when D. where

  ( ) 8.I hardly understand.___ he has told me.A. that B. what C. which D. who

  ( ) 9. She didn't know___ back soon.A. whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be

  ( ) 10. I don't know _____ he still lives here after so many years.A. whether B where C. what D.when

  ( ) 11. Do you know _____ they listened to yesterday evening?A. what B when C why D how

  ( ) 12. He asked me _____told me the accident.A whom B which C who D whose

  ( ) 13.They don't know ______their parents are. A that B what C why D which

  ( ) 14.She asked me if I knew ______.A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it

  ( )15. You must remember ________.

  A. what your mother said B. what did your mother say C. your mother said what D. what has your mother said

  ( ) 16. Did you know ____?

  A. who he was looking after B. who was he looking for C. who he is looking for D. who he is looking after

  ( ) 17. Could you tell me ___?

  A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they leave Beijing

  C. when they will leave Beijing D. when did they leave Beijing

  ( )18.They want to know __ do to help us.

  A. what they can B. how they can C. how can they D. what can they

  ( )19.His teacher ______ he ______ bright and ______ he was worth teaching.

  A.didn’t think;was;thatB.thought;was;whetherC.didn’t think;was;×D.thought;wasn′t;×

  ( )20.______ is done cannot be undone. A.How B.That C.What D.Where
