




  沪友卜卜豬:作文都写了report。第一篇是 describe & campare the number of customers making reservation in response to three different advertising methods. 大作文选了第一篇,参加一个3天的IT training course 但是作者发现这个course有问题,写detail content of the course , the dissatisfactory unsatisfatory of the course , the way you investigate in it and solution to avoid such problem in the future.

  沪友橙子cici:小作文是就是描述,比较图表,内容是mailshots,online advertisements,local newspaper 对一个酒店的预约人数的影响。大作文我写的是proposal,讲的是outsourcing. 问题大概是这样的:Identify the activities that could be outsourced; explain the potential benefit it can bring to the company; How the outsoucing can be organised; How to make sure the quality of the activities outsourced.






  沪友澈底:Part 1 what qualification do you think is the most important when work in China?

  Part 2 我选的是A也只记得A了how to leave a good impression when interview.

  我的partner的是讲working abroad的问题

  Part 3 大概讲的是公司new location,然后要讨论决定move to new location前要考虑什么因素,还有对员工有什么影响


  沪友橙子cici:PartI: Talk about your study...

  PartII: How to ensure that a new product can meet the customers need?

  Part II: Your company needs to send employees to a foreign country for negotiation. What information should be collected before you go for negotiation? What information you need to know about that country?

  沪友janiki:PART I:问工作和学英语,问pPrtner服务业为什么重要。然后老师又问我为什么要从国外进口产品(也可能是为什么要从中国进口产品),没搞准,反正乱答一通。

  PART II:很悲催,之前上大家论坛看了N多的居然一题没中,选了个:how to make sure the potential customer is indentified accurately? 同伴的是:the importance to diversify strategies to manage staff.

  PART III:很幸运的抽中了factory relocation.后续问题我跟同伴都被问是否愿意跟着工厂迁址继续工作。




  第二部分:EFA BDC




  第一部分:1 management buyout

  2 diversity

  3 machine tools

  4 steal making (应该是steel making)

  5 installation

  6 expertees(应该是expertise)

  7product range

  8 protected glasses

  9 warehouses

  10 dangerous liquids

  11 recycling

  12 distribution system (后面好像要加S,不知道我没加的话算不算对。。。)






  · The bar chart below shows the number of complaints made by consumers about different types c products and services in the years 1994 and 1997.

  · Using the information from the bar charts, write a short report summarising the changes that took place between 1994 and 1997.

  · Write about 100 words on your answer sheet.



  Question 52

  · Your company or organisation is becoming more successful. In order for this success to continue, you want to expand and increase the budget of your department. The Directors have asked you to write a report saying why your department needs extra money.

  · Write the report, explaining why your department needs more money, and include the following points:

  · whether extra staff are needed (and, if so, why)

  · whether changes to the office space and equipment should be made

  · what plans you have for future development

  · how the investment would generate extra business

  · Write 200 - 250 words on your Answer Sheet.

  Detailed Guide to BEC 2 Listening 1

  This part in each Listening Test paper contains three telephone conversations. There is a short incomplete form in the Question Paper for each telephone conversation. The incomplete form contains 4 spaces which you should fill in as you listen to the conversation.

  You should listen very carefully to each conversation, especially names, numbers, and simple facts. While you listen, look at the form and write the appropriate word or figure as soon as you hear it spoken. Don t waft until the end of the conversation before you start writing. This is a test of your

  ability to identify words and short phrases rather than a test of your memory.

  Read the form to obtain or follow the gist of the telephone conversation as you hear ft. Frequently, the same or similar words and phrases will be used. Almost all the information you will hear is given in the same order as that appearing in the form in your question book.

  If you think you have missed a piece of information, don t worry. Above all, don t look back at the words and phrases in the form. Try to find the present place in the form as quickly as possible. Remember that you will hear the conversation again to enable you to check all the information. Sometimes you can glance ahead at a heading in the table. This approach will help you to recognise the word, number or phrase to write in the form when you hear ft in the telephone conversation.

  The conversations may include simple information for messages, notes and diaries as well as enquiries, requests, invitations, orders, complaints, plans, bookings, arrangements, and confirmation of requests and arrangements.

  In the following example, candidates hear a woman asking to speak to another woman who has left her office. She gives the man who answers the phone a message for the woman. Although there are three telephone conversations in Part One, only one is given here as an example. Note that the instructions have been slightly aftered here to take account of this.

  You hear.

  You will hear a telephone conversation. Write down one word or number in the numbered spaces on the form below.

  M: Happy World Import Company.

  F: Good afternoon. Could I speak to Mrs Chan, please?

  M: I m afraid she s already left the office today. This is Paul Smith, her assistant. Could I give her a message?

  F: This is Anna Shaw. S-H-A-W. This is about her planned business trip to Europe.

  M: I ll just make a note of that. Mrs Chan s trip to Europe.

  F: Yes, we ve just heard from our agents in Paris.

  M: You ve heard from your Paris agents. Got it. What s your number,please?

  F: 9 double7 31.

  M: 9 double7 31. What s the best time to call?

  F: Any time between 8.30 am and 12 noon.

  M: Good, I ll give Mrs Chan your message first thing tomorrow morning.

  F: Thank you. Goodbye.

  You read.

  You will hear a telephone conversation.

  Write down one word or number in the numbered spaces on the form below.


  To: Mrs Chan


  (1) Anna………Shaw……… Re your business trip to-

  (2) ………Europe………Action required: Phone

  (3) ………97731………any time between

  (4) ………8.30……… am and 12 noon

  Detailed Guide to BEC 2 Listening 3


  This part consists of an interview, conversation, discussion or presentation and involves 1 or 2 speakers. The questions take the form of 8 multiple-choice questions, each comprising 3 options: 1 correct option and 2 distractors. It is necessary for you to listen very carefully to the talk, looking at

  the multiple-choice questions as you listen.

  Try to answer each multiple-choice question as quickly as possible. If you spend too long thinking about the answer to a certain question, you may miss an important part of the talk. In any case, you will lose your place in the talk and find it harder to answer the next question. It is extremely important to try to follow the talk and the questions at the same time, matching each multiple-choice question with the appropriate part of the talk., Above all, try not to worry too much if you don t hear the answer to a multiple-choice question.Read the next one or two questions (or even more, if necessary) and try to listen for the particular topic or subject of each question in the talk.

  In the following example, a salesman is talking to a potential business customer. As you listen, you must decide which sentence is correct and mark the appropriate letter (A, B or C).

  You hear.

  You will hear a negotiation between a salesman and a potential customer.The salesman is trying to sell a number of fax machines to a certain business while someone in the business is trying to negotiate the best price and terms. Choose the correct ending for each of the sentences 1 - 8. Mark one letter A, B or C for the ending you choose.

  S1: Thank you very much for the demonstration of the new fax machine which you re marketing. I can tell you now that we re very interested in purchasing a quantity for our branch offices as well as for our headquarters. This will involve about 40 machines in all - provided that we can reach a

  suitable agreement with you.

  S2: I m very happy to heart hat. I m sure you ll find the machines very reliable indeed.

  S1: Can you give me again the minimum price per machine - bearing in mind that we re talking about as many as 40 machines?

  S2: Well, our normal wholesale price including delivery works out at RMB9,000 per machine. But we can let you have a 12 per cent discount

  for any order of over 20 machines.

  S1: Actually, we were hoping for a discount of up to 20 per cent.

  S2: Oh dear, I m afraid that isn t going to be possible. I d be in trouble with my company manager if I agreed to such a large discount. 12 per cent is our usual discount on bulk orders. I ll tell you what I ll do. I ll see my supervisor and try my best to get a further 3 per cent for

  you. That ll give you a total of 15 per cent discount.

  S1: Is there any further discount for early settlement?

  S2: Oh dear. Our chief accountant won t be very happy. but we can sometimes make a reduction of 2 per cent if the bill is settled in full within ten days.

  S1: At the other extreme, would a 6-month credit period be acceptable to you?

  S2: I m afraid not. If we do give you a 15 per cent discount, it ll use up almost all of our profit, and we ll require payment within one month. I just can t do anything about extending that it s simply not going to be possible for us.

  S1: I understand, but what about warranty? What s the period of warranty on these machines?

  S2: It s 6 months, but I can make an exception in your case and give you a one-year warranty period.

  S1: So that s free repairs if any machines develop a fault within a one-year period. But what happens if any of the machines break down after a year?

  S2: Well, we have a special scheme: it s RMB2,000 or so for a years cover. And we guarantee to carry out any repairs on site within 24 hours provided that the machines are used in offices within the city. If you phone us before ten o clock in the morning, we usually come out to your office or factory the same day. Outside the city ft will obviously take longer. Occasionally, we may even ask you to send the faulty machine to our nearest factory.

  S1: I understand. Now what about delivery time?

  S2: Usually two weeks from receipt of your order - three weeks at the most.

  S1: Can you deliver within one week? It s all very urgent in our particular case. We run the risk of losing business until we have the machines.

  S2: Well, if you decide now and let me have a firm order with a 1 0 per cent deposit, I think we can promise to get the machines to you by one week tomorrow - that ll be eight days. We ll give your order top priority - and you can have 17 per cent discount provided we receive the full amount in ten days from now.

  You read.

  You will hear a negotiation between a salesman and a potential customer. The salesman is trying to sell a number of fax machines to a certain business while someone in the business is trying to negotiate the best price and terms. Choose the correct ending for each of the sentences (1 - 8).

  Mark one letter (A, B or C) for the ending you choose.

  1 . The customer wants to buy some fax machines for use

  A only in the company s headquarters.

  B only in the company s branch offices.

  *C in the company s headquarters and branch offices.

  2. He wants to buy

  A 4 fax machines.

  B 14 fax machines.

  *C fax machines.

  3. At first he wants a discount of

  A 12 per cent.

  B 15 per cent.

  *C 20 per cent.

  4. In order to be able to give the customer 15 per cent discount, the salesman says he must see

  A his company manager.

  *B his supervisor.

  C his chief accountant.

  5. There may even be a further discount if the entire bill is paid in

  *A ten days.

  B one month.

  C six months.

  6. The salesman is prepared to extend the warranty period by

  *A six months.

  B one year.

  C eighteen months.

  7.The fax machine company will promise to carry out repairs free of charge after one year if

  *A the machines are insured with them.

  B the customer loses business because of faulty machines.

  C the customer buys his machines from them.

  8. Once he receives a definite order with a deposit, the salesman says that he can deliver the machines in

  A less than a week

  *B eight days

  C ten days

