高一 Festivals 精选习题及答案(2)


  Get a phonecard yourself and try it out. Or get a bigger wallet.

  ( ) 36. The passage is most probably ___

  A. a warning    B. a note

  C. all advertisement   D. an announcement

  ( ) 37. There are three sections in the passage. Which section do you think is about why phonecards are good?

  A. Section I B. Section 2  C. Section 3  D. None

  ( ) 38. According to the information you get from the passage, how' much dose a card with 40 units cost?

  A. 4 pounds. B. 40 pounds C. 400 pounds D. 100 pounds

  ( ) 39. The last sentence "Or get a bigger wallet." means" ____ "

  A. Phonecards and cheap

  B. You cannot use all payphones

  C. lltieves will not break eardphones

  D. People do not like carrying much money


  Although commercial movers have been around for thousands of years, existing even in the days of man's earliest societies, there have always been heads of families who thought they could do the job better or for one reason or another preferred not to entrust(交托) their personal belonging to any commercial operation.

  Today, millions of Americans move their family goods, using their own or a borrowed truck for the job. This operation can work very well if one has the strength, equipment, and knowledge to do the job-- pins enough insurance(保险) to cover any difficulty that may appear. The suggestions for a do-it -your- self move are relatively new:

  ﹡Plan the move well ahead of time

  ﹡Make sure that the required truck will be able to be got at the time needed and that it is in good and safe working order and properly licensed

  ﹡Get proper materials for packing and furniture protection

  ﹡Line up necessary aid for the day of the move

  ﹡Buy enough insurance for protection of family goods and the truck used

  ﹡Keep changeable in the weather and other surprises

  ﹡Don't expect the entire operation to be an easy job. The expert who makes the job look easy has experience and abilities the average person lacks.

  ( ) 40. Which of the following is mentioned as a good reason for moving yourself rather than hiring a moving company?

  A. You have safe feeling about your possessions.

  B. You build up friendships among those who help you.

  C. You get practice driving a truck with a heavy load.

  D. You save money on insurance.

  ( ) 41. From the passage, we can see that a do-it -yourself move __

  A. is what the Americans like to do

  B. is often done by those who can not afford a commercial move

  C. is not a job that everybody can do

  D. can only be done by those who have had special training courses

  ( ) 42. In the passage, the advice offered to the do-it-yourselfer includes the suggestion to

  A. pick a moving date and remain firm no matter what may happen

  B. move during the winter to avoid the fall hurricane season and the spring rains

  C. ask experts for advice before the operation

  D. make certain there are enough helpers able to get on the day of the move


  Wherever he appears, people will get shocked at the sight of him--a black colossus(巨人) or an iron tower.

  At 2.16 metres and 138 kilograms, he wears shoes size 57 that are like two boats. His hands me as large as two cattail leaf fans. He always shakes hands carefully and gently with the others for he is afraid his great strength may hurt them. He smiles gently so that his resonant voice won' t frighten them. He even begins his chatting with shyness.

  Shark O' Neiil,22, has become a new NBA(美国职业篮球协会) famous player and is a rising superstar or a "Black Horse". Now he has signed a 7-year contract valuing 40 million with the Orando Magics. In addition, he will get another huge amount of 30 million from the advertisements all over the world. The NBA experts think he' ll be a billionare(亿万富翁) at the age of 25, the highest record of its kind.

  Shark O'Neill's mother is busy with answering and handing almost 1000 letters a day which come mainly from his fans, while his father, Phillip is in charge of O'Neill's business management. Phillip who himself was an excellent basketball player before trained his son to be a world famous player. It is his father who pushed O'Neill to the brilliant throne(宝座) of NBA. O'Neill succeed. He is another superstar after Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson of NBA.

  ( ) 43. The people who see O'Neill will get shocked because __

  A. he shakes hands gently with others B. he speaks with shyness

  C. he is very black   D. he is like an iron tower

  ( ) 44. In the story "Black Horse" means __

  A. a black player   B. a black NBA player

  C. a black American   D. A rising superstar

  ( ) 45. In the next seven years. Shark O'Neill will get_ dollars.

  A. 30 million    B.40 million

  C. 70 million    D. one billion

  ( ) 46. Which of he following is not true?

  A. Shark O'Neill is thought to be a billionare in three years.

  B. Phillip did a lot for O' Neill’s honour today.

  C. Shark O'Neill gets a lot of money from his fans.

  D. Shark O'Neill is a black American.


  In the north of Scotland there is a lake called Loch Ness. It is the biggest lake in Britain. It is over thirty kilometres long and in places nearly 300 meters deep. It is cold and dark and not many people went there until after 1930. Then a road was made around the lake. Holiday makers began to use the road, and this was when the stories began.

  Someone said that he had seen a monster (巨人) in the lake. He said it was twelve meters long. It had a long neck and a small head. Then someone else said he had seen it. Others said the same thing and in 1933 a London doctor took a photo. It looked like a monster with a long neck and a thick body but the photo was not dear. The newspapers printed the picture and called it the Loch Ness monster, or "Nessie".

  Then the argument began. Some people, however, were certain there was something living in the lake. Others said there was nothing there.

  In 1961, a lot of people joined together to make a real effort to see and photograph the monster if there was one! Several times people thought they saw something but after ten years there was still no real proof.

  Later underwater television cameras were used, but no one found any real proof. However, they did find something interesting: a huge underwater cave. It was big enough to be home of a monster, but of course, this was not a proof.
