高一 Festivals 精选习题及答案(3)


  In 1975, however, some American scientists formed a search group. They used an underwater camera. It took pictures every seventy seconds. Some of the pictures seemed to show a red-brown creature. Its body was about four meters long and had a very ugly head on the end of a four meter neck. Many people then began to believe in the monster. But even today we can not be certain.

  ( ) 47. Before 1930, ____.

  A. few people went to Loch Ness Lake B. many people had been there

  C. nobody went to the lake  D. nobody knew about the lake

  ( ) 48. What did the monster look like?

  A. It looked like a horse.

  B. It was a creature with a long neck and a small head.

  C. It looked beautiful.

  D. It was tiny and pretty.

  ( ) 49. Who first took a photo of the monster?

  A. An American   B. A television camera

  C. A holiday-maker   D. A doctor from London

  ( ) 50. A search group formed by some American scientists.

  A. found the monster itself

  B. found a huge cave under water

  C. believed that there wasn't any monster at all

  D. took some pictures which seemed to show a monster


  People usually celebrate special occasions by preparing special food. Families may prepare traditional dinners for holidays such as New Year's and Thanksgiving. Birthdays and other special days are often times for baking special cakes. Even celebrations famous only in small areas, such as memorial days for a place or event, can be a time for proud cooks to show off the food that they make the best. Sometimes this food may seem a little strange to the rest of us.

  Weddings are celebrations where food is often an important part of the ceremony or party. Of course, the kinds of food prepared for weddings are different all around the world. One kind of food enjoyed at weddings in the Middle East and some parts of North Africa by members of the Bedouin tribe is roasted camel. This food is not easy to prepare, but when people want to go all out for the wedding, they ask the whole tribe to help with the effort. Tribe members first cook an egg mixture which they then put inside cooked fish. These fish are then put inside several cooked chickens. The chickens then get put in- to roasted sheep. Usually one or two sheep will be enough to fill one roasted camel. One roasted camel serves 20 to 30 people, so this dish may be enjoyed by the entire tribe at the wedding.

  Chocolate chip cookies may not seem like a very special food, but organizers of the yearly festival which celebrates the city's birth in Ripon, Wisconsin made one cookie that was very special. On July 11, 1992, festival organizers attempted to bake the largest chocolate chip cookie in the world. It took the organizers months of planning and experimentation before they thought up a way to bake the cookie on a large, slowly turning tray. The recipe which the bakers used called for one and a half tons of raw cookie dough, made up of a ~ of flour, sugar, eggs, and milk. They also mixed four million chocolate chips into the dough. The tray itself was 10 meters (34 feet) across the middle, and it rotated so that one art of the cookie passed over a low flame that did not move. The cookie took two and a half hours to bake. Organizers of the festival then cut up the cookie and served it to 8,163 people at the festival.

  ( ) 51. What two holidays are mentioned in the passage?

  A. Christmas and New Year’s  B. Thanksgiving and Christmas

  C. New Year's and Thanksgiving  D. weddings and anniversary

  ( ) 52. Who makes roasted camel?

  A. Americans    B. festival organizers

  C. Bedouins    D. Europeans

  ( ) 53. How many different cream are used when preparing roasted camel?

  A. one    B. three

  C. two    D. four

  ( ) 54. What did the festival organizers use to cook the largest chocolate chip cookie in the world?

  A. a giant oven   B. a rotating tray

  C. a large fire    D. a restaurant

  ( ) 55. Who ate the largest chocolate chip cookie in the world?

  A. the festival organizers   B. the festival winner

  C. the people at the festival  D. no one四. 短文该错

  A man stole one of David's cow. David went with a policeman get back 56.____

  the cow, but the man would not give the cow to David. He said that it was his own cow.

  David put all of his hands over the eyes of the cow and 57. ____

  said the man. "If this is your cow, you must tell us which eye is blind." 58.____

  "In the right eye!" the man thought. David took his 59.____

  hands from the right eye of the cow and showed the 60.____

  policeman to that the cow was not blind in the right eye. 61.____

  "Oh, I have made a mistake," said the man,

  "He is blind in the left eye."

  David then took his hand from the eye of the cow.

  It was not blind in the left eye, too. 62.____

  "I have made a mistake, "said the man. 63.____

  "Yes", said the policeman, "and we know that the cow does not belong to

  you. You must return it to David." 64.____

  How do you think of the funny story? 65.____



  1-5 BDCBA 6-10 DCCBD 11-15 DCCBC


  16-20 BDDCC 21-25 ADBBD 26-30 ACBDA 31-35 DCCBC


  36-40 CCADA 41-45 CDDDC 46-50 CABDD 51-55 CCDBC


  56 get–to get 57 all—both 58 said—said to 59 thought—said

  60 hands-hand 61 去掉to 62 too –either 63 a –anther 64 right 65 How-What
