

  37.(2016安徽,23) The twins,who ________(finish) their homework,were allowed to play badminton on the playground.

  【答案与解析】had finished句意:那对双胞胎已完成家庭作业,他们被允许在操场上打羽毛球。结合句意可知finish动作在were allowed前发生,表示“过去的过去”,故填had finished。

  38.(2013安徽,24) I'm calling about the apartment you ________(advertise) the other day. Could you tell me more about it?

  【答案与解析】advertised句意:我打电话咨询一下你们前几天在广告中介绍的那座房子,你能不能给我详细介绍一下?由句中的时间状语the other day可知,这里要用一般过去时。

  39.(2013陕西,11) On Monday mornings it usually________(take) me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.

  【答案与解析】takes句意:虽然实际距离只有20英里,但是在每周一的早上我开车去上班通常会花费一个小时。根据句子中的时间状语on Monday mornings和副词usually暗示可知,应该用一般现在时,强调动作的反复性。

  40.(2016安徽合肥八中第一次段考) He had wild black hair flecked with gray and ________(wear) a pink shirt and silk slippers.

  【答案与解析】was wearing句意:他乱乱的黑发中长有些许白发,身穿粉红色的衬衫,脚上穿着一双丝绸拖鞋。由于描述当时所穿的衣服、鞋子等,故用过去进行时。

  41.(2016福建福州十三中期中考试) Then he ________(hide) behind a tree and waited.


  42.(2016福建福州十三中期中考试)“The night ________(be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.”

  【答案与解析】will be句意:“夜晚将会漆黑,一些邻居漆黑中过来就会被这块石头绊倒。”根据后面句子中的will come along可知,指将会发生的情况。

  43.(2016山东临沭一中高三第一次月考) At my school,“dress down” tickets ________(sell) on school days.

  【答案与解析】are sold句意:我们学校上学日都有“免穿校服”券出售。分析tickets与sell的语义关系可知,应用一般现在时的被动语态。

  44.(2015四川岳池中学高考一轮) I noticed a man sitting at the front. He ________(pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.

  【答案与解析】was pretending句意:我注意到前面坐着一个男人,他一直佯称老虎玩具是真的并为它配音。pretend是过去动作“注意到前面坐着一个男人”发生时正在发生的,故本句用过去进行时。

  45.(2015广西南宁第一次适应性检测) Oh,it looks like Professor Brown is here. I ________(talk) to you some more after class.

  【答案与解析】will talk句意:奥,好像布朗教授在这里,下课后再和你聊。根据前一句的时态及after class判断,talk是将要发生的动作,故填will talk。

  46.(2015黑龙江大庆高三二模) Years ago,when I was a poor artist trying to sell my paintings in local galleries,I ________(live) in the heart of the city.

  【答案与解析】lived句意:多年前,我是一个穷画家,试着在一家当地的美术馆卖画。那时,我住在市中心。由years ago判断,句子用一般过去时,故填lived。

  47.(2015广西梧州、崇左高三摸底考) She also ________(believe) in healthy diet. And she requires us to have regular meals.


  48.(2015山东淄博高三一摸底) We jumped out of the windows as he came in through the door and ________(go) into the kitchen to take some food for the first time.


  49.(2015河南洛阳第一次统考) I immediately responded with a smile and my heart felt free of the stress that I ________(carry).

  【答案与解析】was carrying/had been carrying句意:我立刻报以微笑,而且我心中所带的压力也释放了。根据felt free判断,定语从句的谓语动词carry是过去某动作之前在进行的/持续的,可用过去进行时或过去完成进行时,故可填was carrying或had been carrying。

  50.(2016山西运城期末调研) Every answer I gave ________(receive) by a frown from the manager.

  【答案与解析】was received句意:我的每一个答案经理都是皱眉反应。所填词是句子的谓语,与单数主语every answer之间是被动关系;根据从句时态判断用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was received。
