

  18th century, for the first time since the industrial revolution, Western countries began toattach importance to the development of vocational education and to study its function and roleby giving theoretical support and then study its development model. But because our country5000 years "excellent learning Shi" thinking deeply rooted, it is generally believed, "the book tolearn the man" to be eligible to become the national "pillars of." After the reforms, althoughprogress in every aspect of education has leaps and bounds, but we only put the country in highschool and higher education as the most important development of education. As a high schooleducation to be a diversion, we undeniably secondary vocational education faced by oureducation policy neglected group of people. Like one of our country's and the era ever, oureducation policies put these people clearly classified as a class, letting them learn and live betteror worse, not even a little research for their situation, development patterns and survival studystates. Long-term accumulation of such low quality low energy has become a factor in ourcountry can no longer be avoided widen the gap with the developed countries, which is the mainmotivation for this study.

  Secondary vocational education development lag is part of the whole education in ourcountry has long been criticized for development, not only the current needs of the country tosupport and guide the overall strategic direction, but also requires a combination of differentregional economic development and cultural conditions, specific analysis of specific issues ,based on the current development of secondary vocational education in the region carried outin-depth analysis on the growth path seeking a healthy and orderly secondary vocationaleducation in the region. In view of our long-term secondary vocational education lags behind theeconomic development needs of the status quo, since the fall of 2010, the state has issued a seriesof favorable policies to develop secondary vocational education. Around the city also followedaccording to the economic development of the region have issued a detailed implementation plan.

  Shandong Province belong to the inland areas, is China's most populated province and a majoragricultural province while enjoying the reputation of Confucius and Mencius, Confucius andMencius naturally affected by even more than other provinces. So although Shandong Provincehas become the province of vocational and technical education, but due to the long thought tooold vocational education, vocational education model over a single, long-term accumulation ofthe low quality of workers and skilled personnel shortages and other problems have beenincreasingly prominent, vocational education as modern economic development has been a keypart of the province can not meet the needs of economic and social sustainable development.

  The research object of this paper is my secondary occupation education present situationand the problems and tries to put forward some suggestions. Our province of medium occupationschool students mostly due to primary school, junior high school failure forced choice ofsecondary vocational education, but also in the process of accepting secondary vocationaleducation, secondary vocational schools formed years lazy loose atmosphere so that thesestudents each other, amplifying their previous bad habits, medium occupation schools as themain body of education on Vocational Students' management although the helpless but there arestill duty (this is mainly because the school and School of vocational students income unrelated).

  Another set of data we had to re-examine our province after graduating from junior high schoolchoice is quite number of students in secondary vocational education students and senior highschool (12 years of data are: 404700 and 581800); every year in our province to take socialvocational education graduates and college graduates have a considerable number of (12 years ofdata is 380500 and 482600). If we still cling to the existing model of secondary vocationaleducation, then we year after year accumulation will be each year nearly half only engaged insimple operation, innovation ability and development are relatively low labor, and these laborfrom the vast majority of rural households, so our country overall prosperity, improve the abilityof international competition, the domestic gap between rich and poor elimination would dependson who to achieve? We continue to rely solely on the higher education enrollment? Direct giveup these junior high school stage learning failure of secondary vocational students choose, let itgrow? With such a question, I began to collect relevant data, information and theory to confirmthe secondary vocational education is not only the effective exercise of our education should be"people-oriented" philosophy of education, and the education quality of secondary vocationalschool has seriously hindered the economic development of our province overall quality of talentpromotion of the inherent requirements.

  This paper attempts from a historical perspective, a particular object of secondaryvocational education - secondary vocational school students to study the main line, combinedwith relevant theory, identify the impact of secondary vocational education in the province basedon the analysis of long-term career development of the province's status quo on secondaryeducation the slow development of a number of factors, and from the government, teachers,school administrators and students themselves four aspects in-depth analysis of secondaryvocational education in our province in the development process the main problems anddifficulties, and then learn from the advanced experience on the basis of still from the above fouraspects put forward countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of secondaryvocational education in our province.

  Keywords : secondary vocational education, Shandong ,Problems and Solutions  目 录

  摘 要


  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景和意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.3 研究思路与研究方法

  1.3.1 研究思路

  1.3.2 研究方法

  1.4 本文创新之处

  第二章 中等职业教育研究的相关概念及理论基础

  2.1 中等职业教育研究的相关概念

  2.1.1 职业与职业教育的概念

  2.1.2 中等职业教育的内涵

  2.2 中等职业教育研究的相关理论基础

  2.2.1 需求层次理论及其应用

  2.2.2 选择与机会成本论理论及其应用

  2.2.3 产业发展理论及其应用  2.2.4 企业战略管理理论及其应用

  第三章 我国中等职业教育发展历史变迁

  3.1 我国中等职业教育发展的路径综述

  3.2 我国中等职业教育产生辉煌的原因浅析

  第四章 山东省中等职业教育发展的现状分析及问题探究

  4.1 山东省中等职业教育发展概况

  4.2 山东省中等职业教育发展的现状分析

  4.2.1 学生现状分析

  4.2.2 教师现状分析

  4.2.3 政策现状分析

  4.3 山东省中等职业教育发展存在的问题探究

  4.3.1 政府方面的问题

  4.3.2 教师方面的问题

  4.3.3 学生管理方面的问题

  4.3.4 学生方面的问题

  4.4 山东省中等职教育发展的必要性、紧迫性和可行性

  第五章 国内外中等职业教育先进办学模式及启示

  5.1 国外中等职业教育先进办学模式及启示

  5.2 国内中等职业教育先进办学经验及启示

  第六章 促进山东省中等职业教育发展的对策建议和展望

  6.1 促进山东省中等职业教育发展的对策建议

  6.1.1 关于政府需要改进对策及建议

  6.1.2 关于教师需要改进对策及建议

  6.1.3 关于学生管理需要改进对策及建议

  6.1.4 关于学生自身需要改进对策及建议

  6.2 我省中等职业教育发展的前景展望

  结 语


  致 谢









