



  2.2 偏见的加深

  3)The perpetual commendations of the lady either on hishand-writing, or on the evenness of his lines, or on the length ofhis letter, with the perfect unconcern with which her praises werereceived, formed a curious dialogue, and was exactly in unison withher opinion of each.…

  “Thank you—but I always mend my own.”

  “How can you contrive to write so even?”He was silent.

  (Austen, 2004: 38)




  4)“But what,”said she after a pause“can have been his mo tive?—what can have induced him to behave so cruelly?”“A thorough, determined dislike of me—a dislike which Icannot but attribute in some measure to jealousy. Had the late Mr.

  Darcy liked me less, his son might have borne with me better; buthis father’s uncommon attachment to me, irritated him I believevery early in life. He had not a temper to bear the sort of competi tion in which we stood—the sort of preference which was oftengiven me.”

  “I had not thought Mr. Darcy so bad as this—though I havenever liked him, I had not thought so very ill of him—I had sup posed him to be despising his fellow-creatures in general, but didnot suspect him of descending to such malicious revenge, such in justice, such inhumanity as this!”(Austen, 2004: 65)这段对话发生在伊丽莎白和韦翰之间。韦翰所说的一系列事件很明显他捏造的谎言,既违反了合作原则中的质量准则,又违反了礼貌原则中的赞誉准则和谦逊准则。为了最大程度减少对自己正面面子的伤害,韦翰编造了一个关于达西先生的谎言,使得伊丽莎白对于达西的偏见加深了。

  2.3 偏见的最终形成

  5)“And remember that I have not much reason for supposingit to be Bingley ... and from knowing them to have been togetherthe whole of last summer.”

  “Did Mr. Darcy give you his reasons for this interference?”“I understood that there were some very strong objectionsagainst the lady.”

  (Austen, 2004: 147)这段对话发生在费茨威廉和女主人公伊丽莎白之间。费茨威廉所说的“请你记住,我并没有足够的理由猜想他所说的那个人就是彬格莱”说明他提供的信息并没有足够的证据,违反了质量准则。而实际上,他所听说的“那位小姐有些条件太不够格”是完全不符合事实的。费茨威廉说这番话的语用目的是为了证明达西先生是一个关心朋友的人,总是能给彬格利先生出主意。但是在伊丽莎白的眼里,达西仅凭主观臆断就认为她姐姐不适合彬格莱是不合理的,完全是多管闲事。她认为达西无权做主彬格莱的婚姻。


  2.4 偏见的消除

  6)“I must now mention a circumstance which I would wish toforget myself ... . My sister, who is more than ten years my junior ...

  and after stating her imprudence, I am happy to add, that I owedthe knowledge of it to herself…Mr. Wickham’s chief object was un questionably my sister’s fortune, which is thirty thousand pounds;

  but I cannot help supposing that the hope of revenging himself onme was a strong inducement. His revenge would have been com plete indeed.”这段话是从达西写给伊丽莎白的信中摘出来的。在达西写这封信的一天前,伊丽莎白拒绝了达西的求婚,这使得达西反省了自己的行为后打算向伊丽莎白解释,希望可以消除之前的误会和偏见。在这段语篇中,达西遵守了合作原则,并以损害自己的正面面子为代价遵守了礼貌原则中的谦逊准则、一致准则和同情准则,最终释清了误会,二人言归于好。  3 结论










