




  Test Application Form


  Clauses of the Test Application Form as agreed by the two parties



  If the trustor holds an objection to the testing result, the trustor shall propose a written objection to trustee within fifteen days after the completion of testing report, and present the original copy of testing report with retesting fee paid in advance.


  The trustee shall arrange the retest as soon as possible after the foregoing procedure has been duly conducted, and be immune from conducting the recheck of the uepeatable test.

  3.如委托单位与样品生产单位不一致,委托单位需提供生产单位拥有样品初始所有权并同意送检的证明。 If the trustor is not the manufacturer, the trustor shall submit the certificate which demonstrate the manufacturer possesses the initial ownership of such sample and agrees the presentation of sample.


  The trustee shall only be responsible for the presented sample. The testing result only reflects the evaluation of this presented sample. The trustee shall be free from any liability arising from such testing result, or any direct or indirect loss incurred by usage of such testing result.


  The trustor shall inform the trustee of any known or potential hazard contained in the presented sample in advance, for instance, radioactivity, toxicity or explosivity of the presented sample, or the trustor shall bear the legal consequence incurred by failure of such notice.


  If the trustee will provide field sampling at the request of the trustor, the trustor shall ensure that there are no hazard factor which may be potential dangerous or adversely effective to the personal and property safety of the sample collector of the trustee on the sampling spot. Otherwise, the trustor shall assume all the damage caused to the sample collector and/or the trustee (including but not limited to medical care expense, industrial injury fund and economic compensation).


  The trustee can dispose the presented sample pursuant to certain provisions after the completion of testing report. This Agreement will be effective by execution and sign by both parties.

  8.委托单位应认真详细填写本协议书相关内容,由于填写不清造成报告修改,应支付修改报告费用。 The client should fill in the relevant contents of this agreement in detail accurately, and should pay the expenses for revising the report causing by not writing clearly.

  付款方式及银行账号(Payment way and account No.)

  深圳 人民币账号 Bank account(RMB): 人民币账号 Bank account(RMB): 开户名(Account name):谱尼测试科技股份有限公司 开户名(Account name):深圳市谱尼测试科技有限公司开户行(Deposit bank):建行北京工商大厦支行开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行深圳蛇口支行 银行帐号(Account No.):4000020209200254181 银行帐号(Account No.):11001085300059616767

  外币账号 Bank account($): 外币帐号 Bank account($):

  开户名(Account name):深圳市谱尼测试科技有限公司开户名(Account name):谱尼测试科技股份有限公司

  Shenzhen Pony Test Science and Technology Pony Testing Co., Ltd.

  Co.,Ltd 开户行(Deposit bank):中国建设银行北京市分行苏州桥支行

  开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行深圳分行 CCB, Beijing Branch, Suzhouqiao sub-branch

  ICBC. SZ branch 银行账号(Account No.):11014350100220000023

  银行帐号(Account No.):4000029319900023730 北京 上海

  青岛 人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):

  开户名(Account name):上海谱尼测试技术有限公司 人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):

  (Account name):青岛谱尼测试有限公司 开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行上海市习勤路支行 开户名

  开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行青岛高科技工业园支行 银行帐号(Account No.):

  银行帐号(Account No.):



  Test Application Form


  Clauses of the Test Application Form as agreed by the two parties


  If the trustor holds an objection to the result, the trustor shall propose a written objection to us within fifteen days after the completion of report, and present the original copy of report with retesting fee paid in advance.


  We shall arrange the retest as soon as possible after the foregoing procedure has been duly conducted, and be immune from conducting the recheck of the uepeatable test.


  If the trustor is not the manufacturer, the trustor shall submit the certificate which demonstrate the manufacturer possesses the initial ownership of such sample and agrees the presentation of sample.


  We shall only be responsible for the presented sample. The result only reflects the evaluation of this presented sample. We shall be free from any liability arising from such result, or any direct or indirect loss incurred by usage of such result.


  The trustor shall inform us any known or potential hazard contained in the presented sample in advance, for instance, radioactivity, toxicity or explosivity of the presented sample, otherwise the trustor shall bear the legal consequence incurred by failure of such notice.


  If we will provide field sampling at the request of the trustor, the trustor shall ensure that there are no hazard factor which may be potential dangerous or adversely effective to the personal and property safety of our sample collectors on the sampling spot. Otherwise, the trustor shall assume all the damage caused to the sample collector and/or us (including but not limited to medical care expense, industrial injury fund and economic compensation).


  We can dispose the presented sample pursuant to certain provisions after the completion of report.


  The client should fill in the relevant contents of this agreement in detail accurately, and should pay the expenses for revising the report causing by not writing clearly.

  付款方式及银行账号(Payment way and account No.)


  人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):

  (Account name):谱尼测试科技股份有限公司 开户名

  (Deposit bank):建行北京工商大厦支行开户行

  银行帐号(Account No.):

  外币帐号 Bank account($):

  开户名(Account name):谱尼测试科技股份有限公司

  Pony Testing Co., Ltd.

  开户行(Deposit bank):中国建设银行北京市分行苏州桥支行

  CCB, Beijing Branch, Suzhouqiao sub-branch

  银行账号(Account No.):


  人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):

  开户名(Account name):深圳市谱尼测试科技有限公司开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行深圳蛇口支行银行帐号(Account No.):4000020209200254181 外币账号 Bank account($):

  开户名(Account name):深圳市谱尼测试科技有限公司

  Shenzhen Pony Test Science and Technology Co.,Ltd

  开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行深圳分行ICBC. SZ branch

  银行帐号(Account No.):


  人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):

  开户名(Account name):上海谱尼测试技术有限公司

  开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行上海市习勤路支行银行帐号(Account No.):1001228109006747623


  人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):

  开户名(Account name):青岛谱尼测试有限公司

  开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行青岛高科技工业园支行银行帐号(Account No.):3803027109200142245


  人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):

  开户名(Account name):广州市谱尼测试技术有限公司 开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行广州穗和支行 银行帐号(Account No.):


  人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):

  开户名(Account name):谱尼测试科技(天津)有限公司 开户行(Deposit bank):中国农业银行天津市南开长虹支行 银行帐号(Account No.):


  人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):

  开户名(Account name):宁波谱尼测试技术有限公司开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行宁波高新区支行 银行帐号(Account No.):
