




  Ladies and gentlemen, Hello everybody!

  Tianshan Tianchi scenic area is located in the territory of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Fukang county. It is a natural scenic spot centered on mountains and lakes. The Tianshan Mountains Bogda peak 5445 meters altitude, snow, glacier stretches. At the same time in the Tianchi can watch the snow capped mountains, forests, water, grass, flowers and scenery. Also near the small Tianchi, pole hill, Shek Kip attractions such as Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic region, Fukang Wuhua Tianbao, outstanding people, Han, Kazak, Uygur, Hui, Mongolia and other ethnic groups, living in between the Lingshan xiushui. The long history of the development process, the formation of the nation and in the production, living and diet, living decorative clothing, weddings and funerals, taboos and beliefs, instrumental dance, sports and other aspects of colorful folk customs, it is also full of Tianshan Tianchi unique, mysterious and romantic color, beautiful scenery with infinite temptation, each tour of Tianshan Mountains the guests will enjoy the rich and colorful folk customs are simple, warmly hung wide Tianshan Mountains 2500 kilometers in length, across Central Asia, as a natural boundary of Tarim Basin and Junggar basin.

  Tianshan Tianchi scenic alpine lakes as the center, Xuefeng Daoying, spruce around, clear water like a mirror, picturesque scenery, called "pool", it is said that the myth of Xiwangmu group immortal peach feast event will be located here. "Tianchi" one from the Qing Dynasty, the "day mirror, Shenchi" Italy, said here the beauty. Tianchi showed a half moon lake, clear lake, crystal jade. Surrounded by hills, green grass, flowers, "Pearl of the Tianshan" reputation. Tall, green spruce, Tasson hills, mountains, clouds.


  Ladies and gentlemen, Hello everybody!

  Tianshan Tianchi, called "pool", is located in Xinjiang Changji, Fukang City, North Bogda peak, here about 110 kilometers from Urumqi City, is a famous tourist destination in Xinjiang. In ancient Chinese mythology, it was the place where the queen mother bathed in the west.

  Tianchi Lake 1910 meters above sea level, the depths of 105 meters, the lake reflected the Bogda peak, around the spruce around, like a fairyland scenery. The scenic spots contain natural landscapes such as alpine lakes, wetland meadows and forest canyons. In 2013, the scenic spot was also named as the national geological park by the state.

  There are three water surfaces in Tianchi scenic area, except for the main lake (usually called Tianchi Lake), and there are two water surfaces on the East and West sides. To the East is the "East Xiaotianchi", also known as Black dragon Pool, is located in the east of Tianchi 500 meters, Tan is Baizhang cliff, a waterfall, like a Changhong, "Yao Hong suspension spring attractions". The west side is "West Lake", also known as the Lady Lake, located about two kilometers northwest of Tianchi, pool due to the shape of the full moon, around the pool surrounded by tasson, such as Haoyuedangkong, static shadow heavy wall, so the name "Long Tan pope". The pool side also linked to fly a waterfall, ten meters high, such as the Milky Way water landing, king called "jade belt and silver curtain". Ikegami is Wen Tao Ting, viewing the waterfall in the booth, do not have a taste. The scenic spots are connected by the plank road and can walk to the scenic spots.

  Tianchi in the east coast, west king mother temple, built in the Yuan Dynasty, the see was rebuilt in 1999 in the original Temple site on the building, which houses the queen, so also known as the "goddess temple". Shuttle bus get off point near the Tianchi coast, along the walking path along the cliff to the West Bank of the queen mother temple about 1.5 hours. Compared with the beautiful natural scenery of Tianchi scenic spot, this temple is not worth the time to play.

  The annual mid November to the end of March will be held in the "Tianshan Tianchi ice style Festival, tourists can go to the scenic area near the ski skiing and other winter sports.

  Scenic spots in the Kazak tents can stay, but tourists are generally play after the end of the day to return to the city, Xinjiang is the majority of tourists from Urumqi to the tour, the day you can return to the Urumqi city hotel. There are scenic spots on meals, but the price is higher than outside the area, the quality of the food is more than scenic heterodyne, visitors are advised to bring their own food, waiting for the return to the city, and then enjoy the delicacy in Xinjiang city.


  Ladies and gentlemen, Hello everybody!

  Towering Tianshan, the mouth of Tianchi, East and West more than 2500 kilometers, north-south width of 250 to 350 kilometers. The west border between China and Kazakhstan, east of the star gorge, stretches 1700 kilometers in our country. The Tianshan Mountains by 3 mountain ranges, from north to South are called the North Tianshan, Tianshan and South tianshan. Tianchi is located on the northern slope of Berg mountain in the middle section of the Northern Tianshan mountains. Berg mountain high and steep mountainous West, gradually. 20 mountain elevation 5000 meters above the vast and profound Xinjiang Qili, steep side open. Looking back and looking east, the mountain gradually low. Suddenly, the Bogda peak elevation of 5445 meters from the steep mountains in the upright posture. With the addition of two elevation respectively 5287 meters and 5213 meters peaks constitute the famous "three snow peak", has become the symbol of Xinjiang. Tianchi is because of rising steeply height is high anomaly. In fact, it's 1943 meters above sea level, strictly speaking, it is not halfway up the mountain". Dense forests, vast grasslands, numerous mountains -- Xinjiang Tianshan Mountains as "cradle of life", the top 1/3 accounted for Xinjiang area (more than 570 thousand square kilometers). The mountain is composed of three parts: mountain, mountain basin and piedmont plain.

  Tianchi scenic area, which takes Tianchi as the center, integrates forest, grassland, snow mountain and human landscape as a whole, forming unique scenery features. It is the north of Shimen, South to the west line, Ma Asan, Dongzhi Dadonggou, a total area of 160 square kilometers. Based on the above, and look, a piece of green waves, the waves hung Wang as one falls, another rises, the mid levels, like a jade mountain giant hand lamp is held high. Along the rugged rocks, with green pines and verdant cypresses, surrounded by smoke storage cover; green grass and sheep wandering; more Millennium snow peaks, the God Jun anomaly, a landscape of lakes and mountains, beautiful.
