

  Chapter five: before the mid-term exam

  The weather was overcast this morning, just as I was in my mood. My mother was going to work in the morning, and she was afraid that I would run around and lock the door. I couldn't go out at all, and my mother said I was afraid of being hurt by running around, and I felt like a caged bird. Fun is a child's nature. Look at the children around my house running around all day, and I don't see any injuries. But my mother said I'm now in the middle of the exam, not a good review of how to do, and I learned a few mid-term exam results are really not ideal. I'm ok if I don't mention my grades. I'm ashamed to think of that grade last semester. That reading question has nothing to do with me, it is wrong at once, a few simple can not do, not to mention. Instead of what mom said, I hurried back to the room to review. The teacher said this result but to stick out ah, if poorly by their parents see they don't take it I'm alive.

  Began to review, first language, a lot of text author, content center thought, words and meaning, I saw a few to throw aside. Then I opened a math book. I was dizzy with all kinds of equations. Then I remember the English words and sentences, but I just forgot this one and forgot it again. Finally, it was science. I turned my schoolbag upside down, and I couldn't find a science book. I thought that meant I could steal a lazy one. After the baptism of those books, I want not to remember anything, just feel dizzy and fall asleep on the bed.

  When I woke up, it was noon, and my mother came back to cook. When I woke up and my stomach was hungry, I gobbled up and felt like I didn't remember what was in my mind. It seemed like the morning was wasted.

  As soon as I finished my meal, I began memorizing. My mother saw me like that and told me that it was not easy for me to remember it. I wanted to separate them from each other. Today I memorize Chinese and I will remember math tomorrow...... I'll remember what my mother says. As for the effect is good, only the expiration of the exam that day said, I think the best useful, otherwise I will be the teacher gave a hard hit.

  Mid-term exam, mid-term exam, you really affect my heart now.

  Chapter six: a mid-term examination

  After a week of intense review, today, we finally ushered in the mid-term exam.

  Soon to open, I'm nervous! My classmates like me, are extremely nervous, some of them look around, some whisper, or sit in the seat, the surface seems calm, but in fact have already become a linen, the whole atmosphere of the class are very depressed.

  The first section of the test is in English, after the paper assignments, I quickly read out the test papers. Ah! Thankfully, the English test paper is generally simpler. "Now start listening!" The teacher cried, suddenly the classroom in perfect silence. A few minutes later, the answer was hearing the recorder in my ear, and there were some students do the rustling sound, I quickly finished papers, with lightning speed check two times. But when I do the test, found a "stumbling block", that I have been stopped along the tip, so I saw cudgel thinking up, time to immediately, but I did nothing. I am anxious like ants on a hot pan, not confident to fill an answer, then angrily to the exam papers to the teacher. Well, it looks like one hundred points!

  The second section is chinese. In the "order", the invigilator we quickly write up, I spent nearly an hour, finally completed the basic knowledge and reading questions. At this time, the invigilator reminded: "the students quickly do, left half an hour."." This sentence is like a whip, catch my pen runs quickly, the moment did not dare to stay, finally at the time, I finished the Chinese test, after a cursory examination, I handed the papers out of the classroom door, I drew a long breath.

  Today's exam is finally over, and tomorrow will be a math exam. No, you know, I'm going to bed. If you have enough spirit tomorrow, you will get excellent results in math test.

  Chapter Seven: midterm examination

  Today, on the day of the midterm. I came to school early and reviewed it seriously. After half an hour, Professor Fu walked into the classroom with a stack of examination papers, and the tense examination began.

  I was absorbed in answering the test paper. Unconsciously, I have read the questions, which is my biggest headache. I frowned, read the article, and began to answer questions. I in front of a few I can barely cope, behind more and more difficult. To the fourth question, I didn't have a clue, do not go completely.

  "What shall I do?" Time is precious, hey! Go!"

  After such an ideological struggle. I was half guessing, and the pen in my hand was moving on the paper.

  Suddenly, the last question I do, a look at the subject more silly eye, too! At this time, the voice of Fu teacher prompted: "there are still twenty-eight minutes, please seize the time."!"

  It's over! Time is pressing. Hurry up!" I was so excited.

  But then I thought: "no! Calm down to think out!" So, I read the article again. Sure enough, click into place, I was extremely happy, grabbed a pen and quickly answer.

  Remove the "stumbling block", and finally the composition. I have a good idea, he took the pen and wrote "Shua Shuashua". About half the time, there is a saying "stuck", to think, in the scratch head scratching ears, eyes bright, "the!" Continued writing.

  Call! Finally finished. When writing, "jingle bell!" The coiling bell rings. "What a coincidence!" I gave the examination paper to the teacher, and it was a relief.

  Back to my seat, I pulled out an extracurricular book to relieve myself......

  "Jingle bell!" The bell rings again in the second exam. "So fast."!" I packed up my extracurricular books and began to receive the English test. I don't know how long it's been......

  "Hey! It's a headache choice!"









