

Wanfo cave

  The Wanfo Cave which was completed in 680,is a typical cave of the Tang Dynasty of two rooms and square flat roofs.Its name is due to the 15,000 small statues of Buddha chiseled in the southern and northern walls of the cave.The main Buddha Amida sits on the lotus throne,having a composed and solemn face.The wall behind Amida is carved with 54 lotuses,upon which there are 54 Bodhisattvas in different shapes and with various expressions.In addition,very pretty and charming lifelike singers and dancers are also chiseled on the wall.The singers are accompanied by various kinds of instruments and the dancers dance lightly and gracefully to the music,giving the cave a lively and cheerful atmosphere.A 85 centimeter high statue of Kwan-yin holding a pure bottle in his left hand and a deer’s tail—a symbol of brushing off the dust in Spirit—in right hand is on cave’s southern outsider wall.This figure is well designed and is regarded as the Longmen Grottoes’best example of a Tang Dynasty Bodhisattva statue.

Guyang Cave

  Guyang Cave is the oldest cave in Longmen Grottoes.There are three tiers of niches on the northern and southern wall of the cave,in which are hundreds of statues,and most of the statues are engraved with the names of the artists,the dates and the reasons for carving them.The sculptures are of diverse shapes and patterns that are representations of the Gandhara Art style after the grotto art transmitted to Luoyang. A stature of Sakyamuni is situated in the middle and is nearly 8 meters (about 26 feet) high. Nineteen of the most famous Twenty Calligraphies are found in Guyang Cave. The Twenty Calligraphies represent the Wei style steles, which are the Longmen Grottoes’ basic stele calligraphies.

Binyang Cave

  After constructing the Guyang Cave, the royalty of the Northern Wei Dynasty carved out a series of larger scale caves, which are the northern, southern, and middle Binyang Caves. The middle cave took the longest time to complete (from 500 to 523) and is the only one of the three finished during Northern Wei period. There are 11 big statues in the cave. Sakyamuni is of dignified and serene appearance, while this disciple and Bodhisattva are of slender figure and elegant look, which are the typical style of the late Northern Wei Dynasty. The floor is engraved with lotus patterns and on the rooftop is a flourishing lotus flower relief.

Lotus Cave (Lianhua Cave)

  Chiseled grottoes on the base of the natural limestone caves are also seen in Longmen, and the Lotus Cave is one of them. Unlike the sitting statues, Sakyamuni is of standing figure, showing that he has trudged a long distance to develop Buddhism from India to China. A huge relief of a well sculpted lotus flower is engraved on the dome, with a seed bud in the center and petals of honeysuckle patters circling around. Around the lotus are six flying musicians with vivid gestures, as if they are dancing along with the melodies of the music.

Xiangshan Temple

  Xiangshan Temple,which is ranked the first among Longmen Grottoes’ten temples,is situated in the middle mountainside of the East Hill.The East Longmen Hill is teeming with spices and is therefore very fragrant smelling.It’s name,Xiangshan, means“Fragrant Hill”in Mandarin.The temple was also named Xiangshan Temple.The present Xianshan Temple was reconstructed during the Qing Dynasty in 1707 and this work was based on the old Temple’ design.In 2002,Xiangshan Temple was expanded on the basis of the Qing Xiangshan Temple by Longmen  Grottoes Administration, with a newly constructed Bell and Drum Tower,Wing Room,as well as Halls of Mahavira and Nine Persons. In addition, the belfry, Hall of Arhats, Emperor Qianlong’s stele and palace, Wing-room, Jiang Jieshi and Song Meiling’s Villa, along with the stairs, plank roads and temple walls have all been rebuilt and restored.A new gate was constructed south of the temple.The temple takes on a new look today, and it is really a rare scenic world cultural landmark.

Bai Garden

  The Bai Garden is located on Pipa Peak north of East Longmen Hill (Xiangshan Hill) and was

  reconstructed by Tang Youzeng of the Qing Dynasty in 1709.The temple is surrounded by green pine trees and cypress, looking solemn and serene. It was designated a key site for protection at the state level by the State Council in 1961. The tomb of Bai Juyi is a round mound of earth, 4 meters high, with a circumference of 52 meters.In front of the tomb stands 2.8-meter-high tombstone,which reads,“The Tomb of Bai Juyi”.Bai Juyi’s family was originally from Taiyuan in Shanxi Province and then moved to neighboring Shaanxi Province.He lived from 772 to 846 A.D.,and his style name was Letian. Bai Juyi was one of the Tang Dynasty’s most outstanding poets and enjoyed great literary fame both in and outside of China.He held a number of high government posts and instructed a prince during his later years. After retiring,he came to Luoyang and made good friends with“Nine Persons of Xiangshan Hill”,who often composed and sang poems at the Longmen Grottoes. Meanwhile,he donated money for the construction of Xiangshan Temple. When Bai Juyi died, he was buried, in accordance to his will, in the present Bai Garden.The important scenic spots in the Bai Garden are the Tingyi, Cuiyue, Bai, and Songfeng Pavilions, Letian Hall, Bird’s Head Gate, Pipa Peak, Bai Juyi’s Tomb, Wogu Tablet, Poem Corridor, and Daoshi Reading Room.As a garden constructed according to style of the Tang Dynasty, it is both a tourist resort and a good place to pay homage to the great poet.

  In addition, there is Prescription Cave that has about 140 prescriptions engraved on the walls,showing the achievements of ancient Chinese medicine.Some of the prescriptions are still used today.Other caves and temples like Xiangshan Temple, Huangfu Cave, and Qianxi Temple can also be found at the Longmen Grottoes.

  Well, my friends,Longmen Grottoes’s visit nearly come to an end,and I have to say goodbye to you a11.Anyway I am very glad to have spent such a happy and unforgettable day with you. Welcome you to come here again for sightseeing.Thank you all! Have a happy journey! Goodbye!  篇三:洛阳龙门石窟英文导游词

  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Hello, Confucius said, has the friend to come from the distantplace, delight. Today, I am precisely have this kind of feelings toreceive fellow friends the arrival.

  Luoyang, is the historical famous city which the Chinese and foreignis well-known. She has glorious historical, bright cultural and themultitudinous cultural relic historical site. In order to cause fellowguests at Luoyang period can has the further understanding to thisancient city historical culture and the historical site, is riding ina carriage the scenic spot visit on the way, I Luoyang's history andthe Longmen Grottoes approximate situation, will make the si-mp-leintroduction to everybody. Luoyang is located west Henan Province, theYellow River middle reaches Nanan. Because of is situated at northshore the Luohe river to acquire fame, Italy is positive for the Luoriver water.

  Luoyang in the history once was the city which the multitudinousdynasty founds a capital, is known to be "nine faces the ancientcapital". In this more than 1,000 years historical perpetual flow,Luoyang once the long time took Chinese the politics, cultural, theeconomical center. Today, we visit the world famous Longmen Grottoesthen are one of multitudinous cultural relic historical sites.

  The Longmen Grottoes, in the Luoyang Nanjiao's Dragon Gate mountainpaplace, are apart from the urban district 12.5 kilometers, too and19 years opens cutting from Northern Wei Dynasty, up to now some morethan 1,500 years history, it with the Dunhuang Mogao Caves, the Datongcloud hillock rock cave, together has composed our country famousthree big rock caves art treasure house.

  Dragon Gate, in the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States timecalled "Iraq Xiangshan (Dongshan) (Xishan) the thing confrontswith Longmen Mountain, the Iraqi water from the average, has formed agrand gate Latter because is in the Sui and Tang dynasties empiresouth, also calls Dragon Gate.

  So-called "rock cave", is the hole which opens cutting on the cliffcliff is straight, perhaps natural forms the pit hole, with hides orstores food and the thing. As early as in primitive society, thepeople have used the natural pit hole description zoomorphism and thelife scene, however by the phenomenon appears and the placewhich as the buddhist, the clergy worships buddha and leads a piouslife, actually is starts Buddhism after ancient India to appear.

  As a result of wooded mountain lonesome and quiet, mystical, rock cavewarm in winter and cool in summer, the rock cave uses the templeconvenience according to Shan Diaozao which the bricks and stonesbuilds to be more durable than, therefore appeared the collectionbuilding, the drawing, the vulture in ancient India has chiselled artto accomplish This kind of art, does missionarywork the activity along with the clergy to spread to our country theborder area and the inland, with our country national characteristicsand the traditional each kind of artistic technique style fusionconnection, becomes our country one kind of unique carving, thecolored drawing on pottery craft. We must look today the LongmenGrottoes are one of in our country multitudinous temple grouptreasures.









