

  Sally: I was a hero, goddamn it!




  Cop A: No, I definitely heard something.

  Moloch: What are you talking about? I'm a retired businessman...

  check: 检查



  Rorschach:How'd you know he was the Comedian?

  retired: 退休的 businessman: 商人

  It's a fair question. Yes, it's crossed my mind, some of my old colleagues might see itthat way

  Rorschach: Edgar William Jacobi. Also known as Edgar William Vaughn. Also known as Moloch.

  pay: 致以 respect: 尊重

  spook: [俚语]间谍 black: 从事秘密情报活动的 op:谍报员

  Man [On TV]: ... an act clearly meant to send a signal to the government in Saigon that violence and oppression is not the way to peace.

  carcass: 尸体 alley: 巷 tire: 轮胎 tread: 践踏 burst: 绽开的 stomach: 胃



  extended: 广泛的 gutter: 排水沟

  Your old road is rapidly agin'. Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand

  Fine: Whoa. Think Blake was a spook? Government or black ops?

  ideological: 意识形态的 base upon: 把…建立在…之上

  Fine: Yeah, I saw the body. For a guy his age, he was in terrific shape.

  Rorschach: Rorschach's journal, October 12th, 1 985.

  Dog carcass in alley this morning. Tire tread on burst stomach. This city's afraid of me.  Dan: No, Comedian, wait!
