

  总统:今天,与成千上万的美国人民,以及全世界的基督教徒一样,我们一起庆祝耶稣基督的生日,纪念他用一生实现的人生价值。对待他人充满爱和激情。关心生活在社会边缘的人士:病人和吃不上饭的人,穷人和造虐待的人,需要保护的陌生人,或是一个简单的善举。 That’s the spirit that binds us together – not just as Christians, but as Americans of all faiths. It’s what the holidays are about: coming together as one American family to celebrate our blessings and the values we hold dear.


  During this season, we also honor all who defend those values in our country’s uniform. Every day, the brave men and women of our military serve to keep us safe – and so do their families.


  THE FIRST LADY: So as we sing carols and open presents, as we win snowball fights... 第一夫人:所以,我们唱圣诞歌,收到礼物,打赢雪仗的时候

  THE PRESIDENT: Or lose snowball fights...


  THE FIRST LADY: Let’s also take time to pay tribute to those who have given our country so much. Go to JoiningForces.gov to see how you can serve the troops, veterans, and military families in your community.


  JoningForces.gov,网站上会告诉你如何为军人、退伍老兵以及你所在社区的军属服务。 And together, we can show them just how grateful we are for their sacrifice. That’s a tradition we all can embrace – today and every day.  总之,我们可以向他们表达我们对他们付出的牺牲的感激之情。这是我们今天以及未来每一天都会保持下去的传统。

  THE PRESIDENT: So on behalf of Malia, Sasha, Bo, Sunny, and everyone here at the White House – Merry Christmas. May God bless our troops and their families. And may God bless you all with peace and joy in the year ahead.

