

  1.George and Charlotte Blonsky, who were a married couple living in the Bronx in New York City, invented something.

  [马克 · 阿伯罕斯]乔治和夏洛特 · 布朗斯基 是住在纽约布朗克斯的一对夫妻 他们有一项发明

  2.They got a patent in 1965 for what they call, "a device to assist women in giving birth."

  他们在1965年获得了一项专利 他们称之为“帮助妇女分娩的装置”

  3.This device consists of a large, round table and some machinery.

  这个装置是由一个大圆桌 和一些机械组成

  4.When the woman is ready to deliver her child, she lies on her back, she is strapped down to the table, and the table is rotated at high speed.

  当妇女准备生孩子时 她仰卧着 被绑在圆桌上 然后圆桌高速旋转

  5.The child comes flying out through centrifugal force.


  6.If you look at their patent carefully, especially if you have any engineering background or talent, you may decide that you see one or two points where the design is not perfectly adequate. (Laughter)

  如果你仔细看看他们的专利 特别是如果你有任何工程背景或天分 你可能会看到 这个设计有一两点不完美的地方

  7.Doctor Ivan Schwab in California is one of the people, one of the main people,who helped answer the question, "Why don't woodpeckers get headaches?"

  加州的艾凡 · 施瓦布医生 他是帮忙找出这个问题的答案的主要人之一 “为什么啄木鸟不会头疼?”

  8.And it turns out the answer to that is because their brains are packaged inside their skulls in a way different from the way our brains, we being human beings, true, have our brains packaged.

  结果答案是: 因为他们头盖骨包裹大脑的方式 和我们人类的方式不同 当然,人类的大脑也被包裹在头盖骨里面

  9.They, the woodpeckers, typically will peck, they will bang their head on a piece of wood thousands of times every day. Every day!

  啄木鸟,特别典型的 会啄木,把头撞向树 每天都要上千回每天啊

  10.And as far as anyone knows, that doesn't bother them in the slightest.

  据我们所知 这一点都不影响他们

  11.How does this happen?


  12.Their brain does not slosh around like ours does.


  13.Their brain is packed in very tightly, at least for blows coming right from the front.

  他们的大脑非常紧密地压缩在一起 至少可应付从前方的撞击

  14.Not too many people paid attention to this research until the last few years when, in this country especially, people are becoming curious about

  很少人关注这个研究 直到最近几年 特别是这个国家, 人们开始好奇

  15.what happens to the brains of football players who bang their heads repeatedly.

  对于频繁用头顶球的足球运动员 他们的大脑会怎样呢

  16.And the woodpecker maybe relates to that.


  17.There was a paper published in the medical journal The Lancet in England a few years ago called" A man who pricked his finger and smelled putrid for 5 years."

  几年前,在英国《柳叶刀》医学杂志上 有一篇《一个五年来自己刺伤手指并闻其腐臭味的男人》的文章

  18.Dr. Caroline Mills and her team received this patient and didn't really know what to do about it.

  卡洛琳 · 米尔斯医生和她的团队 接受了这位病人却不知如何处理

  19.The man had cut his finger, he worked processing chickens, and then he started to smell really, really bad.

  这位男士割伤了他的手指 他的工作是处理鸡肉 后来他就变得非常难闻

  20.So bad that when he got in a room with the doctors and the nurses, they couldn't stand being in the room with him.

  以至于他在房间里时 医生和护士 都无法忍受呆在同一个房间

  21.It was intolerable.


  22.They tried every drug, every other treatment they could think of.

  他们尝试了所能想到的 每一种药物和每一种治疗方法

  23.After a year, he still smelled putrid.


  24.After two years, still smelled putrid.


  25.Three years, four years, still smelled putrid.


  26.After five years, it went away on its own.


  27.It's a mystery.


  28.In New Zealand, Dr. Lianne Parkin and her team tested an old tradition in her city.

  在新西兰莉安 · 帕金博士和她的团队 在她的城市试验了一个古老的传说

  29.They live in a city that has huge hills, San Francisco-grade hills.

  他们住在一个满是大山丘的城市 像旧金山那样的山丘

  30.And in the winter there, it gets very cold and very icy.


  31.There are lots of injuries.


  32.The tradition that they tested, they tested by asking people who were on their way to work in the morning, to stop and try something out.

  他们试验的传统就是 他们请早上去上班的人们 停下来做两者之一的试验

  33.Try one of two conditions.


  34.The tradition is that in the winter, in that city, you wear your socks on the outside of your boots.

  这个传统是在冬天 那个城市他们将袜子穿在靴子的外面

  35.And what they discovered by experiment, and it was quite graphic when they saw it, was that it's true.

  从他们的试验,他们看到很生动的 画面里,他们发现 是真的

  36.That if you wear your socks on the outside rather than the inside, you're much more likely to survive and not slip and fall.

  如果你将袜子穿在靴子子外面而不是里面 你比较不容易滑倒

  37.Now, I hope you will agree with me that these things I've just described to you, each of them, deserves some kind of prize. (Laughter)

  我希望你们也同意 我刚刚描述的这些 每一项都应该拿到某种奖品

  38.And that's what they got, each of them got an Ig Nobel prize.
