







  重阳节,亦称登高节、重九节、九月九、茱萸节、菊花节等。是农历九月九日。习俗有登高、赏菊、饮菊花酒、佩茱萸、吃重阳糕等。现在我国将九月初九日定为敬老节。 重阳由来已久,《易经》载以阳爻为九。”

  The ninth September Festival, also known as the" Double Ninth Festival", is a memorial forefathers and Tomb-sweeping day. The Double Ninth Festival, also known as Climbing Festival, Double Ninth Festival, September nine, dogwood Festival, the chrysanthemum festival. Is a lunar calendar September 9th. Customs are climbing, Shangju, drink chrysanthemum wine, carrying dogwood, eating Double-Ninth cake. Now our country is on the 9th September as the festival for the elderly. The long-standing," Ching" contained in Yang line nine."

  曹丕《九日与钟繇书》岁往月来,忽复九月九。九为阳数,而日月并应,俗嘉其名,以为宜于长久,故以享宴高会。” 传说重阳节吃重阳糕可消灾除病,佩茱萸登高,可避邪恶。 《齐人月令》重阳之是日,以糕酒登高眺远,为时宴之游赏,以畅秋志。酒必采茱萸甘菊以泛之,既醉而远。”

  Cao Pi" nine with bell you book" to the age of months, suddenly again in September nine. Nine is a positive number, and the sun and should, vulgar Kerry by name, that the desirability of long-term, so as to enjoy dinner will be high." Legend of Double Ninth Festival eat Double-Ninth cake can be good except disease, carrying dogwood climbing, can avoid evil. The" home" Chung Yeung is the day to climb Spyglass far cake, wine, is a feast of tours, to Chang Qiuzhi. Wine will collect dogwood chamomile to pan, both drunk far."

  唐代王维《九月九忆山东兄弟》独为异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲;遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。” 晋代陶渊明诗菊花如我心,九月九开,客人知我意,重阳一同来。” 清富察敦崇《燕京岁时记》京师谓重阳九月九日。每届九月九日,则都人士提壶携磕,出郭登高……赋诗饮酒,烤肉分糕,洵一时之快事也。”

  Wang Wei of the Tang Dynasty" in September nine Shandong Yi brothers" only as a foreign land, during the festive season; remote brothers climb the mountain, wear cornel but one person." The Tao Yuanming poetry chrysanthemum as my heart, in September nine, the guests know what I mean, Chung Yeung Festival together." Clear rich examine London Chong" Yanjing mind at the age that" the ninth in September 9th. Each September 9th, all people carry a pot with knock, Guo Denggao ... ... Poem for drinking, barbecue cake, indeed a moment."
