



  With love glowing deep within her eyes, the divine beauty gazed at the priest and expressed her appreciation for the Emperor,Whose face and voice had been strange to her ever since their parting.

  The conjugal love between them at the Hall of Bright Sun had already ended.But the days in her Fairy Mountain Palace seemed to be passing quite slowly.



  When she turned to looked down at the earth,What she could see was only fog and dust, rather than the capital Chang An.

  So the divine beauty took out old objects she regarded as a pledge of love.And, through the envoy, she sent back a shell box and a gold hairpin to the Emperor



  She kept one branch of the hairpin and one side of the boxBy tearing apart the hairpin and breaking the shell box.

  She wanted the Emperor to make his attachment for her as firm as the gold hairpin and shell box,For they shall surely meet again somewhere either on earth or in heaven.



  When the priest was leaving, she told him, time and again,To remind the Emperor of the vow known only to their two hearts:

  On the seventh day of the seventh month, in the Palace of Long Life,We made a secret vow at midnight



  That we would fly in the sky wing to wing as two inseparable birds,Or grow together on the earth as two branches on one tree.”

  Earth endures and heaven lasts, but they both shall perish, While this poignant sorrow will go on and on forever.
