

  When the meter is blue,that's full adhesion. 当仪器亮起蓝光,就是完全吸住了。


  Helping old friends. Making new ones. 援助老友,结交新朋。


  Whatever happened, happened. 过去的就让它过去吧。


  The plan was for us to stop him together. 原计划是我们一起阻止他。


  We still have a chance to clean this up, but we have to do it now. 我们还有机会补救,不过得赶快行动。


  No codes, no diamonds. 先给密码 再给钻石。


  So, I hear the insurance company's refusing to pay the claim on that car you crashed, Ethan. 我听说你撞坏的那辆车保险公司不肯赔,伊森。


  I mean, look,we were unprepared, in the dark. Disavowed. 我们没准备,没情报,也没支援。


  Change the plan. 改变原计划。


  That you are. Very classy job. 这是份很高尚的工作。

