

  but I do not go to wipe off the glass

  I know that the sky is blue

  and every tree raises its hair in its hands

  in that sound of snapping castanets

  would be a big black beetle in search of food

  Everything is so distant

  I was once as weak as a morning cicada

  wings soaked through

  and leaves thick, we were young

  knew nothing

  and didn’t want to know

  all we knew was that the dreams might float up

  might carry us into the daylight

  clouds might walk along the wind

  and the water of the lake might gather the light into flames

  We look out at leaves turning green

  Still I didn’t want to know

  and have not got up to wipe off the glass

  dark green waves of summer rise and fall

  oars knocking, knocking

  fish parting the glossy current

  the smile of the red bathing suit slowly vanishing

  everything is so distant

  and still the summer procrastinates

  and now the whispers end

  (Joseph R. Allen 译)  在夕光里




  就是说 现在上演悲剧。

  "要相隔十年 百年!"

  "相距千里 万里!"




  "嗯 肯定忘了一句。"



  In Sunset's Glow

  In the evening's glow,

  your lips tightly closed,

  you say, "There are only fifteen minutes left,"

  meaning the sorrow has already begun.

  "We might be apart for ten or a hundred years;  we must be thousands, ten-thousand miles apart."

  But then you smile playfully

  showing your real age.

  You say, "I forgot to say even the one sentence."

  I say, "Yes, you seem to have forgotten that one sentence."

  We never got around to that sentence all evening;

  but before we'd noticed, anyway, the sun set in silence.

  translated by Gordon T. Osing and De-An Wu Swihart
