

  赫米娅: 莱赛德!你在这里!你为什么如此忍心地离开了我呢?

  Lysander: Because I do not love you, don’t you know?

  莱赛德 : 因为我不爱你,你不知道吗?

  Hermia: You speak not as you think. It cannot be.


  Lysander: All I say is true. I do hate you and love Helena. You can be out of hope. (Helena 欲走,上前拉住) Don't go,gentle Helena,please hear my excuse.My love,my life,my soul,fair Helena!


  Demetriou: If you want to win Helena’s heart, follow me now. (两人同下)


  Hermia: What change is this? Oh! You thief of love! What, have you come by night and stolen my love’s heart from him?

  赫米娅: 是什么改变了一切?噢!你这爱情的小偷!哼,你趁著夜晚把我爱人的心偷走了吗?

  (音乐起……森林某一处Demetrious与Lysander正要动手,此刻小Puck施展魔法使二人昏睡了,同时也遵照精灵王的吩咐,使四人都睡下后,解除了他们身上的爱情魔法) Puck: Look! How careful I am! I’ll release the magic. When you are awake, everyone will find true love. This is really a happy ending! (下)

  帕克: 看!我是多么的小心!我要解除魔法。当你们醒来时,每个人将找到真爱。这真是快乐结局……

  Act 3 (Another side of forest)第三幕:(森林另一处)

  旁白:These people ,at no great distance from each other,sleeping on grass-plot. (此时,他们四人正睡在相距不远的草地上……)


  织梦行云Hermia: Oh! Lysander, the doings of the night are too strange! Do you still love me or not?

  赫米娅: 噢!莱赛德,今晚真奇怪!你还爱不爱我?

  Lysander: I am still crazy about you!

  But I dreamed I love Helena ……how mad!


  Hermia: I had the same dream!


  Helena: Me, too. Now I just wonder if Demetrious love me as in the dream?


  Demetrious: Honey, Don’t worry. I’m yours.


  Hermia: Oh! Here comes my father!


  Egeus: You! You dare to get far away!

  I’ll beg the law upon your head! Demetrious, I’m so sorry!


  Demetrious: Don’t say that. Now the lady I want to marry is Helena.

  狄米崔斯: 别这么说,现在我想娶的是海伦娜。

  Egeus: Is it true?


  Lysander: Yes, it is. Please, please let Hermia marry me too, I’ll bring her happiness, I swear.

  莱赛德: 是的。也请把荷米亚嫁给我吧,我会带给她快乐的,我保证。

  Hermia: Oh! Dad! Please, he is really a perfect guy.


  Egeus: Hmmm…, since Demetrious wouldn’t marry you, I will no longer oppose your marriage with Lysander. Now, you lovers, can we come home?



  Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

  Thou art more lovely and more temperate:

  Rough winds do shake the daring buds of May,

  And summer's lease hath all too short a date;

  Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,

  And often is his gold complexion dimmed;

  And every fair from fair sometime declines,

  By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed;

  But thy eternal summer shall not fade,

  Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,

  When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st.

  So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,

  So long lives this,and this gives life to thee.


  And now I hope no one will be so hard to please as to be offended with this

  pretty, harmless “Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

