

  B: dad, I graduated from college last year. I just got into graduate school this year.

  A: come on, you. When did you graduate from college?

  B: it's not a blind date.

  A: what you said is too far off. Look at your final exam results.

  B: what's wrong

  A: you let everybody see, the total exam 7 subjects, you hang 6 door, the only do not hang is gym class, the exam day leg sprain, have no way, the teacher give you a pass mark.

  B: stop... Don't put me off before so many people.

  A: by the way, I also heard that the teacher asked you to call for the make-up fee soon.

  B: ok, well, that's what I said. His father just met me.

  A: you can really blow it.

  B: the next level is to see her mother. Her mother is a vegetable seller, and she is very concerned about our economic conditions.

  A: how do you play this time?

  B: mom,

  A: here we go again

  B: my family's economic conditions are not very good.

  A: finally, to tell the truth.

  B: my dad just let me drive a Mercedes, no money to buy an audi, and a villa in Hawaii.

  A: just blow it. Have you ever seen a guy driving a Mercedes to a vegetable market to rent a jacket?

  B: you don't care. Hey, I'll just say it. It's over.

  A: you're a loser.

  B: the next one is her grandmother. The old lady has a request for me, not less than one meter and eight.

  A: how do you spend this time?

  B: just the old granny has bad eyes. I say grandma, I'm one meter and eighty-five.

  A: wait a minute, you let the people look at your three inches, you tell the people to tell the truth, how tall you are.

  B: a... A... A meter six... Almost, I stood on the bench and talked to my grandmother. I was two meters.

  A: yes, her grandmother is dazzled.

  B: that's it. I'm going to see the girl.

  A: that's a lot of trouble. The girl hasn't seen it yet.

  B: no, her family is trying me out.

  A: the whole family will test such a thing.

  B: go away! Finally I can see the girl, I am extremely excited and uneasy.

  A: see you soon. I wonder if the girl can see you.

  B: so the little girl who had just been in front led me through the corridors and around countless curves.

  A: it's so hard to hide.

  B: finally, I saw the girl's voice and smile, just then, I have dementia.

  A: how... What's the matter

  B: it's the same for my dream girl.

  A: who are you dreaming of?

  B: feng

  A: well, you can't find an object for this taste.

  B: the girl saw me, stood up, and looked at me like a man in a dream, and then we looked at each other in a loving way.

  A: alas, alas, alas... Come back to me, I'm in front of you.

  B :(suddenly) we were like this.

  A: no, you're not afraid of the ones you just blew up.

  B: I'm not afraid. All the girls are willing. I'll hurry and let the girl get pregnant soon.

  A: how did you come up with that?

  B: there will be a baby, and the rice will be cooked. I think his family will be able to back out.

  A: you are so bad.

  B: we can't do that.

  A :(helpless) it is.

  B: on the 30th day of the New Year, I thought about taking the girl out for fun, and also improved our relationship.

  A: you also talk about feelings.

  B: of course, love is the temple of marriage.

  A: the

  B: I'll have to get ready to rent that pig leather jacket before I get it.

  A: feelings are priceless. Are you trying to improve your relationship?

  B: priceless feelings are bought with money. I don't mean to drive a Mercedes. I have to get a car.

  A: you can rent a Mercedes.

  B: how can I rent a Benz? I borrowed a QQ from my friend.

  A: it's good to have QQ.

  B: so, on the thirtieth day of the year, I was driving with the girl and spending the thirty years of our world together.

  A: it's still beautiful.

  B: our car ran on the wide road, and a cool breeze greeted us.

  A: later, there will be wind in the car.

  B: no, my brother bought a long time, a leak, and he said to me when he left, I'll give you a ride now. What's the matter? Don't say it's my car.

  A: is this car safe to sit on?

  B: it's not safe for him to be safe. He can be romantic.

  A: this is a terrible Lord.

  B: we are like this, each other with each other, I drive, she car, intoxicated in the friendship.

  A: don't get drunk. It's still driving. It's dangerous.

  B: just then, the car in front of me stopped suddenly and I put on the brakes.

  A: and you know how to put on the brakes.

  B: the brakes were on and the car slammed into the car in front of it.

  A: there was a car accident. Didn't you put on the brakes?

  B: all right, which know I step on the accelerator, however, in the two cars crashed into each other for a moment, the girl tightly hug me, and, finally, I also tightly hug her, we finally have the first physical contact

  A: look at your sex. What time is it?

  B: while we were hugging each other, someone knocked on the door.

  A: this must be the other party coming to you.

  B: I see, it's the police uncle.

  A: this is a problem.

  B: I opened the window glass, and the police officer saluted me first, then...

  A: what happened then?

  B: comrade, at the intersection, see the red light do not know to stop, cause with the front of the car rear-end, we suspect you drunk driving, please show your driving license first.

  A: no, it's a big problem. Let's get the driver's license first.

  B: the policeman said to me again, please show me your driver's license.

  A: you can take your license.

  B: I can still use the accelerator pedal when I have a driver's license.

  A: hey, you're driving without a license. No, I think you've been driving school driving licenses since you were a freshman.

  B: ah, for three years, the examiners don't give a driver's license.

  A: you haven't learned to drive in three years. You are a real talent.

  B: the examiner said, give me a driver's license again this year.

  A: you're guilty of a crime.

  B: finally the police got us and the car to the police station.  A: that's it

  B: at the police station, I was nervous and told everything in front of the girl.

  A: what have you told me?

  B: I said that I was a poor boy, I borrowed a friend's car to make an object, how did the blind date blow to the girl's family, tell the truth all out?

  A: what do you mean?

  B: I'm nervous. After that, the girl came to me.

  A: what's this for?

  B: the slap in the face of my face, the old one, the policeman heard all the chatter, and said a word to me.

  A: who made you cheat? What did you say?

  B: 'you rascal, poor man, cheat my feelings' and then go away.

  A: you're pathetic enough, you two are in the soup.

  B: no, it's important that the police decide to detain me for one night.

  A: this is terrible.

  B: you say this big New Year, the year 30, let me in the detention center, how can I be so unlucky?

  A: that's bad luck.

  B: I've been in the detention house for a whole year.

  A: you're not holding you for a night.

  B: I went there in 2011, and I came out in 2012. You didn't say a minute is a year, how much more?

  A: Mr

  B: you said that this big New Year, get me to the detention center, say that the police sister is also good enough for me.

  A: what's wrong

  B: bring me a bowl of steaming dumplings.

  A: not bad

  B: look at the hot dumplings, and look at the guard and say, I am both moved and sad.

  A: I regret it now.

  B: I can't help it. I want to talk to the police sister.

  A: tell me about it. Give it to the police.

  B: the police sister, my heart is old.

  A: it's not hard to call someone.

  B: police sister, can you give me some vinegar?

  A: I'm still thinking about eating.
