


  秦王:“Jingke. What’s wrong with you?”

  荆柯:“Nothing. Nothing. May be there are lots of fleas on my body “.

  秦王(不烦):What’s the good things, quickly!”

  荆柯献图,图穷匕首见,荆柯举刀刺秦,(旁白:Go Go Go Only Only响起)秦王摔倒,转身逃跑,其他人抱头趴在地上。


  大臣甲喊道:“Mr King, drink the milk quickly!”扔了一奶壶,秦王接住,咂了一下,顿时,力大无比,立刻将荆柯打倒在地。

  秦王:Super rubbish, how dare you kill me?

  荆柯:I'm sorry I'm wrong But the prince of Yan told me to。 Please forgive me!

  秦王:You will never live again. What would you like to say?

  荆柯:My lovely lady, Once there was a truest love put before my eyes ,but I didn't cherish it. Only after losing it .I found myself regretting. No pains in the world comes near this, if God Could give me another chance, I would say to the girl “I love you! “If there had to be a limit of time before the end of love. I hope it would be ten thousand years.

  秦王(吼道):Soldiers carry out and put the pig head on the wall!!



  卫兵甲:Bad luck. He has no money.

  卫兵乙:Money?? You are joking! I have searched all his body, just two socks.

  卫兵甲:What?? Two socks?

  卫兵乙:Nothing. Nothing. (回头)Too dangerous.

  卫兵甲:Put the socks out.


  卫兵甲看了看,比了比。将长的装进了自己兜里,短的扔给了卫兵乙。  卫兵乙:Too brazen. (两人互看)Oh,no.It’s fair.

  荆柯(抬起头):I will give you much more money if you set me free.

  二卫兵:Really? Where is the money?


  荆柯(站起来):My brothers, I have a good idea. If you do it,you will get lots of money.

  二卫兵:Oh,please tell it to us!

  荆柯:You can tie another person instead of me to put to death. Only the king recognizes me but he won’t watch my death. So no one will find out the secret.

  二卫兵:Good idea!!(竖指)




  卫兵丙:What have I done? I haven’t done anything wrong. Oh,no no!!! Have I crime?

  二卫兵(异口同声):Maybe.大笑.(Yesterday once more 起)

