



  (The story starts in an abbey of Salzburg, Austria, in the last Golden Days of the Thirties. Halleluyah!

  Bernice: Reverend Mother...

  Reverend Mother: Sister Bernice.

  Bernice: I simply cannot find her.

  Reverend Mother: Marisa?

  Bernice: She's missing from the abbey again.

  Sister A: Perhaps we should have put a cowbell around her neck.

  Sister B: Have you tried the barn? You know how much she adores the animals.

  Bernice: I have looked everywhere, in all of the usual places.

  Revernd Mother: Sister Bernice, considering that is Maria, I suggest you look in some place unusual.

  (Later, Maria gets back and comes to see Reverend Mother.)

  Reverend Mother: I'm here, my child. Now sit down.

  Maria (short for M): Oh, Reverend Mother, I'm so sorry. I just couldn't help myself. The gates were open and the hills were beckoning and before...

  Reverend Mother: I know! I have not summoned you here for apologies.

  M: Oh, please Mother, do let me ask for forgiveness.

  Reverend Mother: If it will make you feel better.

  M: Yes. Well you see, the sky was so blue today and everything was so green and fragrant. I just had to be a part of it! And you know those birds kept meeting me higher and higher as though it wanted me to go right through the clouds with it.

  Reverend Mother: Child, suppose darkness had come and you were lost?

  M: Oh, Mother, I could never be lost up there. That's my mountain, I was brought up on it. It was the mountain that led me to you.
