

  Long did I sigh and wipe away my tears, To see my people bowed by griefs and fears.

  Though I my gifts enhanced and curbed my pride, At morn they'd mock me, would at eve deride;

  First cursed that I angelica should wear, Then cursed me for my melilotus fair.

  But since my heart did love such purity, I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die.

  I marvel at the folly of the king, So heedless of his people's suffering.

  They envied me my mothlike eyebrows fine, And so my name his damsels did malign.

  Truly to craft alone their praise they paid, The square in measuring they disobeyed;

  The use of common rules they held debased; With confidence their crooked lines they traced.

  In sadness plunged and sunk in deepest gloom, Alone I drove on to my dreary doom.

  In exile rather would I meet my end, Than to the baseness of their ways descend.

  Remote the eagle spurns the common range, Nor deigns since time began its way to change;

  A circle fits not with a square design; Their different ways could not be merged with mine.

  Yet still my heart I checked and curbed my pride, Their blame endured and their reproach beside.

  To die for righteousness alone I sought, For this was what the ancient sages taught.

  I failed my former errors to discern; I tarried long, but now I would return.

  My steeds I wheeled back to their former way, Lest all too long down the wrong path I stray.

  On orchid-covered bank I loosed my steed, And let him gallop by the flow'ry mead

  At will.

  Rejected now and in disgrace, I would retire to cultivate my grace.

  With cress leaves green my simple gown I made, With lilies white my rustic garb did braid.

  Why should I grieve to go unrecognised, Since in my heart fragrance was truly prized?

  My headdress then high-pinnacled I raised, Lengthened my pendents, where bright jewels blazed.
