

  Others may smirch their fragrance and bright hues, My innocence is proof against abuse.

  Oft I looked back, gazed to the distance still, Longed in the wilderness to roam at will.

  Splendid my ornaments together vied, With all the fragrance of the flowers beside;

  All men had pleasures in their various ways, My pleasure was to cultivate my grace.

  I would not change, though they my body rend; How could my heart be wrested from its end?

  My handmaid fair, with countenance demure, Entreated me allegiance to abjure:

  "A hero perished in the plain ill-starred, Where pigmies stayed their plumage to discard.

  Why lovest thou thy grace and purity, Alone dost hold thy splendid virtue high?

  Lentils and weeds the prince's chamber fill: Why holdest thou aloof with stubborn will?”

  Thou canst not one by one the crowd persuade, And who the purpose of our heart hath weighed?

  Faction and strife the world hath ever loved; Heeding me not, why standest thou removed?

  I sought th'ancestral voice to ease my woe. Alas, how one so proud could sink so low!

  To barbarous south I went across the stream; Before the ancient I began my theme:

  "With odes divine there came a monarch's son, Whose revels unrestrained were never done;

  In antics wild, to coming perils blind, He fought his brother, and his sway declined.

  The royal archer, in his wanton chase. For foxes huge, his kingdom did disgrace.

  Such wantonness predicts no happy end; His queen was stolen by his loyal friend.

  The traitor's son, clad in prodigious might, In incest sinned and cared not what was right.

  He revelled all his days, forgetting all; His head at last in treachery did fall.

  And then the prince, who counsels disobeyed, Did court disaster, and his kingdom fade.

  A prince his sage in burning cauldrons tossed; His glorious dynasty ere long was lost.
