

  I bade the phoenix scan the heaven wide; But vainly day and night its course it tried;

  The gathering whirlwinds drove it from my sight, Rushing with lowering clouds to check my flight;

  Sifting and merging in the firmament, Above, below, in various hues they went.

  The gate-keeper of heaven I bade give place, But leaning on his door he scanned my face;

  The day grew dark, and now was nearly spent; Idly my orchids into wreaths I bent.

  The virtuous and the vile in darkness merged; They veiled my virtue, by their envy urged.

  At dawn the waters white I left behind; My steed stayed by the portals of the wind;

  Yet, gazing back, a bitter grief I felt, That in the lofty crag no damsel dwelt.

  I wandered eastward to the palace green, And pendents sought where jasper boughs were seen.

  And vowed that they, before their splendour fade, As gift should go to grace the loveliest maid.

  The lord of clouds I then bade mount the sky, To seek the steam where once the nymph did lie;

  As pledge I gave my belt of splendid sheen, My councillor appointed go-between.

  Fleeting and wilful like capricious cloud, Her obstinacy swift no change allowed.

  At dusk retired she to the crag withdrawn, Her hair beside the stream she washed at dawn.

  Exulting in her beauty and her pride, Pleasure she worshipped, and no whim denied;

  So fair of form, so careless of all grace, I turned to take another in her place.

  To earth's extremities I sought my bride, And urged my train through all the heaven wide.

  Upon a lofty crag of jasper green, The beauteous princess of the west was seen.

  The falcon then I bade entreat the maid, But he, demurring, would my course dissuade;

  The turtle-dove cooed soft and off did fly, But I mistrusted his frivolity.

  Like whelp in doubt, like timid fox in fear, I wished to go, but wandered ever near.
