

  "But stern and pious was their ancient sire, And his successor too did faith inspire;

  Exalted were the wise, the able used, The rule was kept and never was abused.

  The august heaven, with unbiassed grace, All men discerns, and helps the virtuous race;

  Sagacious princes through their virtuous deed,The earth inherit, and their reigns succeed.

  The past I probed, the future so to scan, And found these rules that guide the life of man:

  A man unjust in deed who would engage? Whom should men take as guide except the sage?

  In mortal dangers death I have defied, Yet could look back, and cast regret aside.

  Who strove, their tool's defects accounting nought, Like ancient sages were to cauldrons brought."

  Thus I despaired, my face with sad tears marred, Mourning with bitterness my years ill-starred;

  And melilotus leaves I took to stem,The tears that streamed down to my garment's hem.

  Soiling my gown, to plead my case I kneeled; Th'ancestral voice the path to me revealed.

  Swift jade-green dragons, birds with plumage gold, I harnessed to the whirlwind, and behold.

  At daybreak from the land of plane-trees grey, I came to paradise ere close of day.

  I wished within the sacred brove to rest, But now the sun was sinking in the west;

  The driver of the sun I bade to stay, Ere with the setting rays we haste away.

  The way was long, and wrapped in gloom did seem, As I urged on to seek my vanished dream.

  The dragons quenched their thirst beside the lake, Where bathed the sun, whilst I upon the brake.

  Fastened my reins; a golden bough I sought, To brush the sun, and tarred there in sport.

  The pale moon's charioteer I then bade lead, The master of the winds swiftly succeed;

  Before, the royal blue bird cleared the way; The lord of thunder urged me to delay.
